Conversations with the best investors and business leaders in the world. Patrick explores their ideas, methods, and stories to help you better invest your time and money.

Patrick is the Founder and CEO of Positive Sum. He founded Colossus in 2020 to build on the success of Invest Like the Best.

Invest Like The Best
A Conversation with Charlie Munger & John Collison
Charlie Munger was the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway. In this conversation with Stripe's John Collison, recorded last year, he shares the ingredients for long-term business success, his thoughts on American society writ large, and what makes Berkshire special.

Invest Like The Best
Investing for a Higher Purpose
Cyan Banister is a partner at Long Journey Ventures. We cover why spirituality is an increasingly investable area, the power of staying curious in the face of adversity, and her best stories about everything from Uber to Bill Murray.

Invest Like The Best
Engineering Global Resilience
Hemant Taneja is the CEO and Managing Director of General Catalyst. We cover the motivation behind GC's focus on critical industries such as healthcare, the value of a long-term approach to building deals and relationships, and how to be successful at succession.
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Invest Like The Best
Chasing Curiosity
Brian Koppelman is a writer, director, producer, and podcast host. We cover the creative process and how he got immersed into the ideas that led to Billions and Solitary Man, why billionaires are viewed with such reverence in the US, and the art of good storytelling.

Invest Like The Best
Machine Intelligence and Risk Management
Jeremiah Lowin is an expert in the fields of statistics, artificial intelligence, and is currently the Director of Risk Management for a private investment firm. We cover machine learning models, what to expect from intelligent machines, and how to define and manage risk in portfolio construction.

Invest Like The Best
Watching a Venture Fund at Work
Lauren Loktev, Kanyi Maqubela, and Craig Shapiro are partners of the Collaborative Fund, a venture capital firm based in New York City. We cover their search and investing process, how to build a team, and finding interesting new investments.

Invest Like The Best
Designing Better Decisions
Dan Egan is the managing director of Behavioral Finance and Investing at Betterment. We cover investor behavior, nudging, and automated asset alocation.

Invest Like The Best
Mastering Mental Models
Shane Parrish created Farnam Street, a website that helps you master the best of what others have already figured out. We cover his thoughts on the future of work, how to cultivate a growth mindset, and the screening process he uses for the books and content that he consumes.

Invest Like The Best
The Prospects for Active Management
Jeff Ptak is the head of global manager research at Morningstar. We cover different variables for assessing active managers and mutual funds, why winning funds can often look like losers, and moats.

Invest Like The Best
The Ace of Spades
Eric Maddox is a former military interrogator who collected the intelligence which led to the exact location of Saddam Hussein. We cover why listening is more powerful than intimidating, why it is difficult to really listen to each other, and the story of locating Saddam.

Invest Like The Best
The Reformation
Josh Brown is a financial advisor and the CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management. We cover Josh's career journey, learnings from investors he follows, and the role of the financial advisor.

Invest Like The Best
Small Bets, Huge Payoffs
Chris is the founder and CIO of Artemis Capital Management. We cover the benefits of being long volatility and convexity, how to implement them in portfolios as well as daily life, and the lessons that Dennis Rodman can teach investors.

Invest Like The Best
Exploring the Frontier
Kevin Simler has a background in technology and was one of the earliest employees at Palantir Technologies. We cover start-up culture and activities he did at Palantir to help create the culture, the economics of social status, and why people search for meaning in their lives.