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Colossus offers a unique blend of expansive reach while still targeting a specialized market. Since launching, our podcasts have generated over 80 million downloads. We estimate we reach 5 million unique listeners annually and each of our shows frequently ranks in the top 50 of their respective genres (Business, Investing, Careers etc.)
We strive to have the highest quality content with the longest shelf-life which means our oldest episodes still receive significant activity and engagement.
In addition to our legacy shows, we consistently explore new opportunities and are happy to discuss sponsorship opportunities ahead of release.
This Year's Partners
This episode is brought to you by Ramp. Ramp’s mission is to help companies manage their spend in a way that reduces expenses and frees up time for teams to work on more valuable projects. Ramp is the fastest-growing FinTech company in history, and it’s backed by more of my favorite past guests (at least 16 of them!) than probably any other company I’m aware of. Go to to sign up for free and get a $250 welcome bonus.
This episode is brought to you by Alphasense. AlphaSense has completely transformed the research process with cutting-edge AI technology and a vast collection of top-tier, reliable business content. Imagine completing your research five to ten times faster with search that delivers the most relevant results, helping you make high-conviction decisions with confidence. Invest Like the Best listeners can get a free trial now at and experience firsthand how AlphaSense and Tegus help you make smarter decisions faster.
This episode is brought to you by Ridgeline. Ridgeline has built a complete, real-time, modern operating system for investment managers. It handles trading, portfolio management, compliance, customer reporting, and much more through an all-in-one real-time cloud platform. I think this platform will become the standard for investment managers, and if you run an investing firm, I highly recommend you find time to speak with them. Head to to learn more about the platform.
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Welcome to our Colossus Sponsor Kit. Colossus is a boutique content platform built for an audience of investors and entrepreneurs. Our goal is to be the leading destination to learn about all topics “business and investing” and we cover that through a variety of shows and series.