Submit a Letter to the Editor of Colossus Review

We want to hear from our readers! If an article in the last issue of Colossus Review sparks your thoughts or opinions and you want to see them published in an upcoming issue, why not write us a letter?


Here’s how to do it:


Your letter should address specific content from the most recent issue of Colossus Review. We only accept original responses not published elsewhere. Strive for clarity and brevity; a succinct letter often holds the most impact.


Start with the headline and the issue number of the article you’re responding to in the subject line. Keep your letter direct and punchy—250 words max! Please paste your letter directly into the email body. Sign off with your name, city, state, and phone number. We don’t publish anonymous letters, and we might need to reach out for verification.


All letters can be sent to


Our editing process: We might trim your letter for clarity, length, or just to keep things crisp. You’re welcome to use some industry jargon, but we prefer thoughts that are legible and interesting to a general audience.


Publication timeline: Letters that are accepted for publication will appear in an upcoming quarterly issue. Please note that new issues are released at the end of each quarter (March, June, September, December). We can’t promise to respond to every submission, but we read each one and appreciate your input.


We’re excited to hear from you.


Get in touch at