Business Breakdowns
Episode 101 The Walt Disney Company: An Entertainment Empire
Business Breakdowns

Episode 101: The Walt Disney Company: An Entertainment Empire

Business Breakdowns

Episode 101

The Walt Disney Company: An Entertainment Empire

Ben Weiss is the Chief Investment Officer of 8th & Jackson. We cover Disney’s famous flywheel, the challenges and opportunities created by its push into streaming, and how its leadership and culture have evolved over the years.

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Show Notes

(00:02:23) - (First question) - Overview of Disney and their size and scale today

(00:04:11) - Which parts of Disney’s business are the biggest overall

(00:05:15) - Major milestones across Disney’s one hundred year history

(00:07:17) - What lead to their decision to buy ABC and subsequently ESPN

(00:08:00) -
Disney’s Original Flywheel
; How Disney’s flywheel compounds on top of itself

(00:10:11) - Characterizing their competitors and the markets they play in

(00:12:58) - Overview of Disney’s theme park business

(00:15:07) - Fixed costs, growth, and thoughts about volume for their theme parks

(00:17:40) - Their cable business and the drivers of growth and success for it

(00:20:24) - Whether or not they consider streaming as a part of their cable business

(00:21:33) -
Netflix: The Original
; What’s different about Disney+ compared to Netflix and why they’re losing money

(00:23:14) - Disney+ verses Netflix in the competitive landscape

(00:24:45) - How far Disney can extend their content offering without degrading their brand

(00:27:42) - Overview of Disney’s movie business and its growth levers

(00:29:04) -
Creativity, Inc.
; A revenue case study of the Cars franchise

(00:33:08) - Company culture in running an effective enterprise as big as Disney

(00:35:43) - The recent leadership transition and his thoughts on it as an investor

(00:37:24) - Reasons behind the Marvel acquisition in 2009

(00:40:05) - What will have to go right if Disney became the next trillion dollar company

(00:43:32) - Possible reasons why Disney could fail over the coming decade

(00:45:56) - Lessons for builders and investors when studying Disney’s story

(00:48:54) - Learn more about Disney;
Creativity, Inc.
The Ride of a Lifetime

The Walt Disney Company: An Entertainment Empire


This is Jesse Pujji and today, we're breaking down The Walt Disney Company. Walt Disney needs no introduction. We've all interacted with the entertainment empire in some capacity. It was founded 100 years ago as the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio and over the ensuing century, the business has grown into a conglomerate of entertainment properties that include the likes of Pixar, Marvel, Disneyland, ESPN, National Geographic, and Disney+.

To explain how this business fits together, I'm joined once again by Ben Weiss, Chief Investment Officer of 8th & Jackson. We talk about Disney's famous flywheel, its push into streaming and why it's such a difficult business to manage. Please enjoy this business breakdown of Disney.

An Overview of Disney's Scale

All right. Ben Weiss, welcome back to Business Breakdowns.

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