Business Breakdowns
Episode 70 ChargePoint: Leading the EV Charge
Business Breakdowns

Episode 70: ChargePoint: Leading the EV Charge

Business Breakdowns

Episode 70

ChargePoint: Leading the EV Charge

Mark Tomasovic is a principal at Energize Ventures. We cover how ChargePoint is leading the land grab for EV charging infrastructure, why the US is at a particularly interesting point for EV adoption, and the challenges of running a business in a rapidly commoditizing industry.

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[00:02:16] - [First question] - What ChargePoint is

[00:03:26] - Their size, scale and revenue today

[00:04:21] - The history of ChargePoint and the EV charging sector

[00:06:25] - How the industry has evolved and important metrics to understand

[00:08:18] - Who the main players are in the EV charging infrastructure layer

[00:10:46] - The role auto manufactures play and their relationship with this world

[00:12:05] - Tesla’s closed wall network and ChargePoint’s open network

[00:13:05] - Competitive advantages in the EV charging landscape

[00:15:45] - Whether or not sales and marketing is unique to ChargePoint

[00:16:47] - Other unique arrangements that will unlock the pace of their land grab

[00:18:37] - The various lines of P&L and how to think about them

[00:19:34] - The three levels of chargers and costs associated with them

[00:21:52] - What goes into their gross profit margins and cost of revenue

[00:22:50] - How their gross margin compares to their competitors

[00:23:41] - What they’re trying to accomplish with their high R&D spend

[00:24:49] - What they’re investing in and betting on for the future by spending cash

[00:25:38] - Expectations of future growth for the next couple of years

[00:26:46] - Growth over the long-term trajectory and the car to charger ratio

[00:29:14] - Their main flywheels that give them a competitive advantage

[00:30:53] - The big buckets of customer segments and end point leverage

[00:32:09] - What the life expectancy of a charger is

[00:33:13] - The regulatory environment writ large

[00:34:39] - Bull case for ChargePoint over the next five to ten years

[00:37:36] - Reasons why ChargePoint might not succeed over the next five to ten years

[00:38:58] - Lessons for builders and investors when studying ChargePoint

[00:39:51] - Learn more about Chargepoint

ChargePoint: Leading the EV Charge


This is Jesse Pujji and today we're breaking down ChargePoint. ChargePoint is the clear market leader in the United States for your electrical vehicle chargers, founded in 2007 by five technical founders. The business has ridden the wave of EV growth and has manufactured some 40% of the charging points in the US.

To break down ChargePoint, I'm joined by Mark Tomasovic, a principal at Energize Ventures and a previous guest on our show. We discussed the challenges of a commoditized business, how ChargePoint is leading the EV land grab and why the US is at a particularly interesting point for EV adoption. Please enjoy this business breakdown of ChargePoint.

What Does ChargePoint Do?

All right, Mark Tomasovic, welcome to Business Breakdowns.

Thanks for having me Jesse. Glad to be back.

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