This is Eric Golden, and my guest today is Andrew Steinwold. Andrew is the managing partner at Sfermion, an NFT-focused investment firm, where he makes venture-style bets, and invests directly in NFTs. He is a pioneer in the space, launching one of the first ever NFT funds available for outside investors. We discuss the challenges of starting up a Web3 fund, how NFT has made the metaverse possible, and what drives value in various NFT categories. Please enjoy this conversation with Andrew Steinwold.
Discovering NFTs
Today I'm excited to have Andrew Steinwold, managing partner of Sfermion, host of Zima Red, and maybe most importantly, the husband of Josie Bellini. I thought that would actually be a fun place to start. With Josie. For those of you who don't know her, she's an incredible digital artist. Andrew, thank you for joining me today, but let's start with your most impressive title, husband of Josie, and how you two got into crypto NFTs in this crazy world.