My guest today is Ken Stanley. Ken is a professor in computer science and a pioneer in the field of neuroevolution. He is also the co-author of a book called Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned, which details a provocative idea that setting big audacious goals can reduce the odds of achieving something great. We discuss that revelation in detail on how to apply it in our day-to-day lives. Please enjoy this great discussion with Ken Stanley.
The Best Way to Change the World
So Ken, we were just together at Capital Camp this past week in Columbia, Missouri, and you gave, I think, what's proven already to be the most popular of the presentations during the week mostly because it really got people thinking, and we're going to try to replicate that phenomenon here today. I came across your work because of the book that you wrote with your co-author Joel called Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned. Then I'll probably refer to a few things that I read in the book throughout our conversation as sparks for our talk.