Business Breakdowns
Episode 85 Brookfield Asset Management
Business Breakdowns

Episode 85: Brookfield Asset Management

Business Breakdowns

Episode 85

Brookfield Asset Management

Nima Shayegh is Managing Partner at Rumi Capital Partners. We cover Brookfield's evolution to one of the world's largest alternative managers, what separates it from other managers, and why it's spinning off its asset management business.

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[00:02:19] - [First question] - The size and scale of Brookfield and what they do

[00:04:52] - Balance Sheet assets

[00:06:54] - How Brookfield achieved the scale it has today

[00:10:36] - What differentiates Brookfield from their competitors in alternative assets

[00:14:31] - Their unique employee compensation strategy

[00:18:19] - The various segments of their business that helped them achieve their scale

[00:21:05] - Breaking down the economic structure of their revenue streams

[00:25:50] - Percentage of revenue generated by performance and management fees

[00:27:13] - Complex corporate structure and getting comfortable with it as an investor

[00:29:33] - Overview of their ownership structure and its prior scrutiny

[00:32:32] - Brookfield’s philosophy on debt writ large

[00:36:04] - Their strategy and approach to capital allocation

[00:40:11] - Important growth metrics they track most closely

[00:45:57] - Insights and benefits behind merging with other alternative managers

[00:47:23] - How interest rates impact an asset manager like Brookfield

[00:50:12] - Correlation between rising inflation and dividend stock selloffs

[00:52:38] - Other major risks that might pose a threat to Brookfield’s growth

[00:53:51] - Major lessons from intimately studying Brookfield

Brookfield Asset Management


This is Matt Reustle. And today, we are breaking down the giant alternative asset manager, Brookfield. Today, Brookfield boasts $750 billion in assets under management, and it's a global footprint that includes many noteworthy office buildings and key infrastructure assets.

To break down Brookfield, I'm joined by Nima Shayegh from Rumi Capital Partners. We cover Brookfield's powerful history, the evolutionary changes in the operating structure and what separates Brookfield from other big managers. We started with Blackstone, we covered Vanguard, and now we hope you enjoy this breakdown of Brookfield.

Brookfield's Size and Scale

Nima, thanks for joining us on Business Breakdowns.

Yes. Thank you for having me.

So the business today, Brookfield, has a truly enormous footprint across the globe. But I'm still not sure that it actually has the name recognition that matches that asset footprint. So maybe we could just start off by bringing Brookfield's scale to life a little bit about what they do, how they operate and how big they really are.

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