Episode 177 #177 Robert Campeau (Junk Bonds and Retail Bankruptcy)

Episode 177: #177 Robert Campeau (Junk Bonds and Retail Bankruptcy)


Episode 177

#177 Robert Campeau (Junk Bonds and Retail Bankruptcy)

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading Going for Broke: How Robert Campeau Bankrupted the Retail Industry, Jolted the Junk Bond Market, and Brought the Booming Eighties to a Crashing Halt by John Rothchild.

What I learned from reading Going for Broke: How Robert Campeau Bankrupted the Retail Industry, Jolted the Junk Bond Market, and Brought the Booming Eighties to a Crashing Halt by John Rothchild.


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[0:01] A stranger comes to Wall Street, borrows nearly $4 billion to acquire a company that six months earlier he'd never even heard of. This transaction is scarcely settled before he's allowed to borrow $7 billion more to acquire a bigger company, making him a major force in retailing, an industry he knows nothing about.

[11:16] Just a few weeks back, Randall had figured that Bob might be interested in attracting a single Brooks Brothers store into one of his malls. Now in a great imaginary leap, Bob had vaulted himself into the ownership of all forty-five Brooks Brothers stores.

[15:01 Neither Bob nor his advisers really knew one investment bank from another. "It was basically a matter of looking up names in the Yellow Pages."

[19:42] Lehman Brothers was impressed by two things: the man's obvious, if naive, enthusiasm; and the absurdity of his proposition. Those who doubted Bob could acquire Allied had grown into a large crowd that included Bob's brain trust, his advisers in Toronto, his Toronto bankers, his advisers from Paine Webber and his lawyer.

[21:45] This was Citicorp's first clue they were dealing with a volatile character, who soon acquired the in-house nickname Mad Bomber. 

[29:26] The M&A department they established at First Boston helped the firm to a record $125 million in earnings in 1985, a long way from the $1 million it had earned in 1978.

[33:45] He think's he's destined to take over Allied. His fortune-teller says so.

[41:28] Bob understood that Citicorp and First Boston, who together had invested in $1.8 billion in the Street Sweep and who were going to make hundreds of millions in fees if this deal closed, were not about to let the deal fall apart because he didn't pony up his equity. They had more of a vested interest in this deal than he did.

[42:53] His $4.1 billion acquisition included a whopping $612 million in fees, expenses, and financing charges.

[50:00] The purpose of business is profit, not a platform for your ego.

[53:24] Bob said, "Don't worry. If somebody lends a dollar, you take it. The ramifications can be handled later. There's always some way out." He goes bankrupt shortly thereafter.


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#177 Robert Campeau (Junk Bonds and Retail Bankruptcy)


This is the story of a marvelous financial calamity. Not so wonderful if you happen to be a creditor of which there are 50,000 at current count. But marvelous in the way that it happened. A stranger comes to Wall Street, borrows nearly $4 billion to acquire a company that 6 months earlier he had never even heard of. This transaction is scarcely settled before he's allowed to borrow $7 billion more to acquire a bigger company, making him a major force in retailing, an industry he knows nothing about.

The companies he acquired were successful retail enterprises, which before Bob accidentally having taken an interest in them, had a 50-year unbroken record of paying their bills. They were also old-fashioned, that is to say relatively free of debt. Acquired is really too bland a word to describe the involuntary surrender to the newfangled corporate coup known as the leverage buyout.

In theory, the LBO was supposed to boost productivity and increase profits once the new owner had supplanted the complacent, unimaginative and overpaid former management. In practice, the LBOs landed both companies in Chapter 11. Among other notable side effects from Bob's joint ventures, abetted by the best and brightest bankers and buyout specialists on Wall Street, are the following: 8,000 workers laid off; First Boston, the once mighty investment firm having to be bailed out after several of its bridge loans went kapooey; the collapse of the junk bond market; a slump in profits for department stores nationwide; the dumping of merchandise on discount stores by manufacturers with no place to sell their goods; the cutback in department store advertising, which spread the misery into the newspaper and magazine businesses; the recession on Wall Street.

This was an era of debtor barons, when billions went out to all sorts of imaginative speculations. Bob arrived at the perfect moment in the final stage of the buyout frenzy, when playing it safe counted for nothing. The bankruptcy courts are now clogged with the results of these foolhardy endeavors.

That is an excerpt from the book that I'm going to talk to you about today, which is Going for Broke: How Robert Campeau Bankrupted the Retail Industry, Jolted the Junk Bond Market, and Brought the Booming Eighties to a Crashing Halt, and was written by John Rothchild.

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