Episode 276 #276 Paul Graham’s Essays Part 2

Episode 276: #276 Paul Graham’s Essays Part 2


Episode 276

#276 Paul Graham’s Essays Part 2

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading more of Paul Graham’s essays.

What I learned from reading Paul Graham’s essays.


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[4:01] You don't want to start a startup to do something that everyone agrees is a good idea, or there will already be other companies doing it. You have but that you know isn't to do something that sounds to most other people like a bad idea.

[5:20] The independent-minded are often unaware how different their ideas are from conventional ones, at least till they state them publicly.

[6:20] Founders find themselves able to speak more freely with founders of other companies than with their own employees.

[7:40] There are intellectual fashions too, and you definitely don't want to participate in those. Because unfashionable ideas are disproportionately likely to lead somewhere interesting. The best place to find undiscovered ideas is where no one else is looking.

[8:30] How much does the work you're currently doing engage your curiosity? If the answer is "not much," maybe you should change something.

[9:00] How To Think For Yourself by Paul Graham

[9:00] How To Work Hard by Paul Graham

[10:00] Hackers and Painters by Paul Graham

[11:00] Paul on Twitter: "Maybe better founders could have..." Presumably Patrick knows what he means by that, but in case it's not clear, he's describing the empty set. If Patrick and John Collison had to work long hours to build something great, you will too. Link to tweet

[13:00] Less is more but you have to do more to get to less. — Rick Rubin: In the Studio by Jake Brown. (Founders #245)

[13:00] If great talent and great drive are both rare, then people with both are rare squared.

[14:30] Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins

[15:30] Aliens, Jedis, & Cults

[16:30] How To Do What You Love by Paul Graham

[19:00] Fear's a powerful thing. I mean it's got a lot of firepower. If you can figure out a way to wrestle that fear to push you from behind rather than to stand in front of you, that's very powerful. I always felt that I had to work harder than the next guy, just to do as well as the next guy. And to do better than the next guy, I had to just kill.

And you know, to a certain extent, that's still with me in how I work, you know, I just go in. —Jimmy Iovine

[20:00] Many problems have a hard core at the center, surrounded by easier stuff at the edges. Working hard means aiming toward the center to the extent you can. Some days you may not be able to; some days you'll only be able to work on the easier, peripheral stuff. But you should always be aiming as close to the center as you can without stalling.

[22:00] Find work that feels like play. —The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness by Naval Ravikant and Eric Jorgenson. (Founders #191)

[23:00] A deep interest in a topic makes people work harder than any amount of discipline can.

[23:00] Mozart: A Life by Paul Johnson. (Founders #240)

[25:00] Working hard is not just a dial you turn up to 11. It's a complicated, dynamic system that has to be tuned just right at each point. You have to understand the shape of real work, see clearly what kind you're best suited for, aim as close to the true core of it as you can, accurately judge at each moment both what you're capable of and how you're doing, and put in as many hours each day as you can without harming the quality of the result. This network is too complicated to trick. But if you're consistently honest and clearsighted, it will automatically assume an optimal shape, and you'll be productive in a way few people are.

[26:00] How to Lose Time and Money by Paul Graham

[30:00] Schlep Blindness by Paul Graham

[31:00] A company is defined by the schleps it will undertake. And schleps should be dealt with the same way you'd deal with a cold swimming pool: just jump in. Which is not to say you should seek out unpleasant work per se, but that you should never shrink from it if it's on the path to something great.

[33:00] What I’ve Learned From Users by Paul Graham

[34:00] The first thing that came to mind was that most startups have the same problems. No two have exactly the same problems, but it's surprising how much the problems remain the same, regardless of what they're making. Once you've advised 100 startups all doing different things, you rarely encounter problems you haven't seen before.

[34:00] Today I talked to a startup doing so well that they had no current problems that needed solving. Profitable, growing ~20x a year (not a typo), only 9 employees. This is so rare that I didn't know what to do. We ended up talking about problems they might have in the future.

I advised them never to raise another round, so to get equity you're going to have to get hired there. So learn to program. Link to tweet

[35:00] But knowing (nearly) all the problems startups can encounter doesn't mean that advising them can be automated, or reduced to a formula.

[37:00] It's not about pop culture, and it's not about fooling people, and it's not about convincing people that they want something they don't. We figure out what we want.

And I think we're pretty good at having the right discipline to think through whether a lot of other people are going to want it, too. —Steve Jobs

[39:00] That was another big surprise: how often founders don't listen to us.

[39:00] Damn Right: Behind the Scenes with Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger by Janet Lowe. (Founders #221)

[40:00] The reason startups are so counterintuitive is that they're so different from most people's other experiences. No one knows what it's like except those who've done it.

[42:00] Speed defines startups. Focus enables speed. YC improves focus.

[42:00] Alexander combined an excessive tolerance of fatigue with an intolerence for slowness. Alexander the Great: The Brief Life and Towering Exploits of History's Greatest Conqueror--As Told By His Original Biographers (Founders #232)

[43:00] However good you are, good colleagues make you better. Indeed, very ambitious people probably need colleagues more than anyone else, because they're so starved for them in everyday life.

[45:00] Leading By Design: The Ikea Story (Founders #104)

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I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ” — Gareth

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#276 Paul Graham’s Essays Part 2


There are some kinds of work that you can't do well without thinking differently from your peers. Your ideas have to be both correct and novel. You see this pattern with start-up founders. You don't want to start a start-up to do something that everyone agrees is a good idea, or there'll already be other companies doing it. You have to do something that sounds to most other people like a bad idea, but that you know isn't, like writing software for a tiny computer used by a few thousand hobbyists or starting a site to let people rent airbeds on strangers’ floors. He's referencing Microsoft and Airbnb there.

Do you want to do the kind of work where you can only win by thinking differently from everyone else? Independent-mindedness seems to be more a matter of nature than nurture, which means if you pick the wrong type of work, you're going to be unhappy. If you're naturally independent-minded, you're going to find it frustrating to be a middle manager. And if you're naturally conventional-minded, you're going to be sailing into a headwind if you try to do original research.

One difficulty here is that people are often mistaken about where they fall on the spectrum from conventional to independent-minded. Conventional-minded people don't like to think of themselves as conventional-minded. It genuinely feels to them as if they make up their own minds about everything. It's just a coincidence that their beliefs are identical to their peers. And the independent-minded, meanwhile, are often unaware how different their ideas are from conventional ones, at least till they state them publicly.

Can you make yourself more independent-minded? I think so. It matters a lot who you surround yourself with. If you surround yourself with independent-minded people, hearing other people say surprising things will encourage you too and to think of more. The independent-minded find it uncomfortable to be surrounded by conventional-minded people.

A place where the independent and conventional-minded are thrown together is in successful startups. The founders and early employees are almost always independent-minded. Otherwise, the startup wouldn't be successful. But conventional-minded people greatly outnumber independent-minded ones. So as the company grows, the original spirit of independent-mindedness is inevitably diluted. This causes all kinds of problems besides the obvious one that the company starts to suck.

One of the strangest is that the founders find themselves able to speak more freely with founders of other companies than with their own employees. The importance of founders knowing other founders is repeated a lot in Paul's essays. I'm going to read that one more time because I think it's important. One of the strangest is that the founders find themselves able to speak more freely with founders of other companies than with their own employees. You don't have to spend all your time with independent-minded people. It's enough to have one or two who you can talk to regularly. And once you find them, they're usually as eager to talk as you are. They need you, too.

You can expand the source of influences in time as well as space by reading history. When I read history, I do it not just to learn what happened, but to try to get inside the heads of people who lived in the past. How did things look to them? This is why I say, every entrepreneur needs a library. It's a tool for entrepreneurs. Back to his idea about how to make yourself more independent-minded, more generally, your goal should be not to let anything into your head unexamined and things don't always enter your head in the form of statements. Some of the most powerful influences are implicit. How do you even notice these? By standing back and watching how other people get their ideas.

When you stand back at a sufficient distance, you can see his ideas spreading through groups of people like waves. The most obvious are in fashion. You notice a few people wearing a certain kind of shirt and then more and more and more until half the people around you are wearing the same shirt. There are intellectual fashions, too. And you definitely don't want to participate in those because unfashionable ideas are -- oh my God, this is so good, Because unfashionable ideas are disproportionately likely to lead somewhere interesting.

The best place to find undiscovered ideas is where no one else is looking. Novel ideas come from curiosity. Independent-mindedness and curiosity predict one another perfectly. Everyone I know who's independent-minded is deeply curious and everyone I know who's conventional-minded isn't. The independent-minded are the gluttons of curiosity who keep eating even after they're full.

And this is what I think the most important sentence in this entire essay is. "How much does the work you're currently doing engage your curiosity? If the answer is not much, maybe you should change something. Curiosity is unlike most other appetites. Indulging it tends to increase rather than to satiate it. Questions lead to more questions. So perhaps, curiosity is the compass. Perhaps, if your goal is to discover novel ideas, your motto should not be do what you love so much as do what you're curious about."

That's an excerpt from Paul Graham excellent essay, How to Think for Yourself. And so before I jump into his next excellent essay, which is How to Work Hard, if I sound funny, what I went through this week is going to be very familiar to anybody with school-aged children. My daughter brought home some kind of sickness. It was spread to my son, then spread to my wife. And then now I finally have gotten it. And so for the last few days, I've just been held up in bed reading and reading and reading any time I'm not asleep. So I have spent the last few weeks living inside the mind of Paul Graham and it has been an amazing experience. So not only have I finished reading all of his essays since I was sick in bed, I had the opportunity, I've already finished reading his book, which is a collection of essays too called Hackers & Painters, which will be the next episode of Founders.

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