Episode 146 #146 Milton Hershey (Chocolate)

Episode 146: #146 Milton Hershey (Chocolate)


Episode 146

#146 Milton Hershey (Chocolate)

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading Hershey: Milton S. Hershey's Extraordinary Life of Wealth, Empire, and Utopian Dreams by Michael D'Antonio.

What I learned from reading Hershey: Milton S. Hershey's Extraordinary Life of Wealth, Empire, and Utopian Dreams by Michael D'Antonio.


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[0:01] Perhaps the only thing about Milton Hershey that is absolutely certain is that he believed in progress. He was always moving.

[2:51] This blew my mind. Only six universities held larger endowments. Which meant that the Milton Hershey School was richer than Cornell, Columbia, or the University of Pennsylvania.

[4:14] Milton’s father was unrealized ambition personified.

[5:44] One of the biggest things Milton learned from his father and something he avoided. His father had 1,000 schemes and never stuck to any of them. He didn’t know what perseverance meant.

[7:25] Rockefeller had arrived in Oil City in the same year as Hershey, 1860. But unlike Henry, he was possessed of extraordinary energy, remarkable financial savvy, and an uncanny ability to remain focused on his goals.

[8:00] Henry’s had a preference for talking about things rather than doing them. Even neighbors could see that the man was lazy. Milton was the direct opposite of these traits.

[8:37] This gives you an insight into why Milton would leave a large fortunes to orphans: Milton was denied the kind of stability children need to feel secure. He had been moved from place to place, and he listened to his parents argue with increasing frequency and anger. Milton went without proper shoes and the little family didn’t have enough to eat.

[9:14] He learned to channel all of his energy and passions into a single outlet: work.

[10:47] The main takeaway from this book: Milton Hershey had perseverance in abundance.

[12:43] Hershey experiences multiple business failures before he founds his first successful company.

[14:34] Things start to go bad. He realizes he has another “me too” product. He faced intense competition from hundreds of other candy retailers and wholesalers in the city. He doesn’t find success unit he actually innovates. Milton finds a way to turn a luxury product — milk chocolate — into a mass produced, inexpensive product.

[16:37]  This is an important part. He is being squeezed by suppliers. Later on in life he realizes if something is important to your business you must control it. He starts his own sugar plantation. He does this for other ingredients he needs to make his product.

[19:08]  His simple idea: Caramel is really popular in Western states. The candy makers in Denver figured out how to make caramel that don’t go bad and taste very well. That was not happening where he was from. He decided to take that idea back east and build my own caramel empire. He sells that company for $1 million and uses that money to start Hershey Chocolate.

[22:34] Milton is doing exactly what you and I are doing right now. He is studying successful entrepreneurs.

[24:44] Bouncing back from defeat is essential for growth in any endeavor.

[25:00] Milton is at rock bottom. He is somewhat depressed and downtrodden. But there is something freeing about that. Because he realizes I can only go up from here.

[25:30] The main theme in the life of Milton Hershey is perseverance. He has been working in this industry for 14 years. He has had two gigantic business failures. He has borrowed money from everybody he possible can. He is tapped out. He is embarrassed. He is a failure. Yet he doesn’t quit.

[26:12] If failure is the best instructor he could argue that he had earned a doctorate. He intended to make candy no one else produced.

[29:48] This is the wild part. He had told me all. He did not conceal the bad part. He made no excuses for it. He was honest. I decided I would lend him the money. But I was afraid to present the bank that note with that story. To avoid the trouble I put my own name on the note. The banker takes out the loan for Milton —in his name!

[30:50] Milton tried to make small improvements over a long period of time.

[31:30] Small continuous improvements over many years produces miracles.

[31:54] No one alive visited more retail stores than Sam Walton. He was obsessed with studying and learning from other entrepreneurs. No one alive had gone into more confectionaries and candy shops than Milton Hershey.

[32:20] While visiting Europe he notices that companies were creating a big new industry serving low cost chocolate to the masses.

[33:54] He is constantly redesigning his manufacturing process, making it more efficient. It becomes so efficient no one else can compete with him.

[36:41]  Only the Swiss had figured out how to mass produce milk chocolate. They aren’t going to tell Milton how to do it. He must experiment on his own. . . To do this he sets up a milk chocolate skunkworks.

[38:13]  How many people are willing to put in this much work? Milton and about 18 workers would rise at 4:30a.m. to milk the herd of 78 cows. After breakfast they’d go to work. Sometimes they didn’t come out until the next morning.

[40:05] What Milton Hershey did for the mass production of chocolate is the same thing that Henry Ford did for the mass production of automobiles and its the same thing the McDonald’s brothers did for the mass production of fast food.

[46:15] This one act would create something unique in both philanthropy and capitalism. It made the school, under its trustees, the majority owners of a national company that was poised to double in size, many times over, in the decades to come.


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#146 Milton Hershey (Chocolate)


Perhaps the only thing about Milton Hershey that is absolutely certain is that he believed in progress. As an industrialist, a philanthropist, and a social engineer, he was always moving forward. For this reason, the advances made by his company were true to his spirit. In his rare moments of open reflection, Milton Hershey showed his greatest affection for the little fellows, whom he hoped to save. Those were the children that he intended to rescue that came from fractured families. They were challenged by schoolwork. They knew loneliness, hunger, and want. In short, they were quite similar to the boy Milton Hershey had once been.

His father had neglected him when he was young, never providing him any real security and comfort. His mother had struggled to feed her children. Milton had never been a good student. As an adult, Milton fulfilled his father's dream of success and acclaim by building a great industry. With the creation of a utopian town, he heeded his mother's admonitions about serving something higher than the accumulation of personal wealth. Then when it came to consider his legacy, he invested his fortune with a poignant flourish. He would save himself symbolically by rescuing little boys in the streets he knew as a child over and over again in perpetuity.

That was an excerpt from the book that I'm going to talk to you about today, which is Milton Hershey's Extraordinary Life of Wealth, Empire, and Utopian Dreams. Okay. So before I jump into the rest of the book, I got to tell you about the school that they're referencing, which is the Milton Hershey School. Milton Hershey had one of the most unique ideas that have ever come across in all the books that I have read for this podcast. And he didn't have any biological children. So he decided to leave his assets. He starts his orphanage, this school for orphans, as I were just referencing, to help save the poorest and most disadvantaged people in his community, right?

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