Episode 230 #230 Lucille Ball (TV’s biggest star)

Episode 230: #230 Lucille Ball (TV’s biggest star)


Episode 230

#230 Lucille Ball (TV’s biggest star)

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading Love, Lucy by Lucille Ball.

What I learned from reading Love, Lucy by Lucille Ball.


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[3:19] Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger (Founders #141)

[3:28] Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder by Arnold Schwarzenegger (Founders #193)

[4:37] Lucille Ball gave me advice about Hollywood. “Just remember, when they say, ‘No,’ you hear ‘Yes,’ and act accordingly. Someone says to you, ‘We can’t do this movie,’ you hug him and say, ‘Thank you for believing in me.

[6:21] I like reading about people that do things that they're not supposed to do.

[9:45] Create a comprehensive family history.

[14:43] People with happy childhoods never overdo; they don't strive or exert themselves. They're moderate, pleasant, well liked, and good citizens. Society needs them. But the tremendous drive and dedication necessary to succeed in any field-not only show business-often seems to be rooted in a disturbed childhood.

[19:27] This is a school that teaches acting, telling what is going to wind up being one of the most successful actresses that ever lives, that she can't do it.

[20:29] I soon learned that to survive you have to be very strong, very healthy, and damned resilient. Rarely does anyone give you an encouraging word.

[20:52] I'd show up early for rehearsals and stay until they had to sweep me off the stage. . .I didn't give up. I wore out my soles trudging to casting offices.

[21:08] I can't say that I was discouraged. For some incomprehensible reason, knew that someday I'd make it.

[21:15] Remember that there are practically no “overnight" successes. Before that brilliant hit performance came ten, fifteen, sometimes twenty years in the salt mines, sweating it out.

[25:08] I was determined to stay in Hollywood. I would do what I could to make sure I'd survive the long haul.

[27:34] What would you give to be a star in two years?’’ Lela asked me when I first was getting to know her.

“What d’ya mean?’’

"Would you give me every breath you draw for two years? Will you work seven days a week? Will you sacrifice all your social life?"

“I certainly will," I promised.

"Okay," she said, "let's start.

Lela was the first person to see me as a clown with glamour.

[28:43] Lela taught us never to see anyone as bigger or more important than ourselves.

[30:07] Buster Keaton used to tell me about dozens of Hollywood people who ran into trouble. This was comforting, like reading an autobiography and thinking, “Well, that happened to them, too. I'm not the only one.”

[35:51] He soon learned that in striking out on your own, you have to throw out your chest and sell yourself.

[42:03] I learned the bitter lesson that directors and producers can make or break an actress.

I was a star, but I felt that I couldn't afford to turn down parts for fear of infuriating these bigwigs

If I did turn down a script I would be put on suspension, without salary.

I couldn't accept an offer from any other studio, no matter how good, yet I could be fired at any time without the bosses showing cause.

All the glittering “stars" were at the mercy of the whims of the top people.

[45:12] I had a driving, consuming ambition to succeed in show business.

[47:23] Founder mentality. Desi and I decided that since nobody else seemed to have faith in us as a team, we’d form our own corporation to promote ourselves. Desilu Productions, Inc., was launched.

[48:54] At that time, television was regarded as the enemy by Hollywood. So terrified was Hollywood of this medium, movie people were afraid to make even guest appearances. (As bill gates and Walt Disney learned — go with the phenomenon— not against it)

[50:50] Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire by James Wallace and Jim Erickson (Founders #140)

Overdrive: Bill Gates and the Race to Control Cyberspace by James Wallace (Founders #178)

[52:57] To my delight, I discovered that the I Love Lucy show drew from everything I'd learned in the movies, radio, the theater, and vaudeville.


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#230 Lucille Ball (TV’s biggest star)


There in a dusty box, he uncovered what turned out to be a never-before-published autobiographical work of our mothers. The package postmarked 1966, simply said, Lucy. The manuscript was written in the first person and seemed to span mom's entire life up to 1964. I was stunned. When I read it, I cried. When my brother Desi read the manuscript, he was overcome with emotions. He said, "I loved it. I loved reading it." There's a wonderful energy that comes through, a fire in her belly. As a young kid, a sense of adventure, like I want to make some noise, her connections from the past to the present. I salute her for her ability to think in terms of what did I learn from the past. And there's some great straight-from-the-heart advice.

I love the way she wrote about her feelings for dad. It was very powerful for me to hear about when she first met him. Some people prolong their unhappiness by dramatizing it, like expecting applause for having a headache. Mom does not do this. Instead of over-dramatizing what happened in her life, she seems to be trying to understand what her life is all about. That's what I found most endearing about this autobiography, the way she looked at life, especially regarding her earlier memories and what happened during her most formative years that contributed to the kind of woman, actress, and mother she became.

This book gave a much deeper understanding of the pain that she had to assimilate as a child and the depth of her struggle to achieve the kind of success she eventually did. Now, along with our father's autobiography, a fascinating fact-filled remnants of his life, my brother and I and our children, along with the whole Ball or Arnaz clan, have one of the most remarkable, comprehensive family histories ever documented.

That is an excerpt from the book I'm going to talk to you about today, which is the autobiography of Lucille Ball. It's called Love, Lucy, and it was written by Lucille Ball. That is her daughter. And her daughter and son were put in charge of her estate. She passed away in 1989. And this book was originally written in the mid-'60s, was finished in 1966, but never published.

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