Episode 258 #258: Jay Gould (Dark Genius of Wall Street)

Episode 258: #258: Jay Gould (Dark Genius of Wall Street)


Episode 258

#258: Jay Gould (Dark Genius of Wall Street)

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading Dark Genius of Wall Street: The Misunderstood Life of Jay Gould, King of the Robber Barons by Edward J. Renehan Jr.

What I learned from reading Dark Genius of Wall Street: The Misunderstood Life of Jay Gould, King of the Robber Barons by Edward J. Renehan Jr.


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[2:40] John D: The Founding Father of the Rockefellers by David Freeman Hawke. (Founders #254)

[3:46] From the back cover: Though reviled for more than a century as Wall Street's greatest villain, Jay Gould was in fact its most original creative genius. Gould was the most astute financial and business strategist of his time and also the most widely hated. He was the undisputed master of the nation's railroads and telegraph systems at a time when these were the fastest-growing new technologies of the age. His failed scheme to corner the gold market in 1869 caused the Black Friday panic. He created new ways of manipulating markets, assembling capital, and swallowing his competitors. Many of these methods are now standard practice; others were unique to their circumstances and unrepeatable; some were among the first things prohibited by the SEC when it came into being in the 1930s.

[5:59] If he was exceptional, it was as a strategist. He had a certain genius. Time and time again, Wall Street never saw him coming.

[7:22] Jay was in fact the Michelangelo of Wall Street: a genius who crafted financial devices and strategies, and who leveraged existing laws, in stunningly original ways.

[7:45] His success was profound, his productivity was astonishing, and his motivations and tactics were fascinating.

[10:54] Francis Ford Coppola: A Filmmaker's Life by Michael Schumacher. (Founders #242)

[11:11] You can always understand the son by the story of his father. The story of the father is embedded in the son.

[11:43] All ambitious men want either to please their fathers or to punch them in the goddamn face.

[15:05] Persistent. Deliberate in his study. Disciplined.

[16:30] Born of This Land: My Life Story by Chung Ju-yung (Founders #117)

[20:07] Jay stated his outright belief that happiness consisted not so much in indulgence as in self-denial.

[20:28] I am determined to use all my best energies to accomplish this life's highest possibilities.

[21:12] I'm going to be rich. I've seen enough to realize what can be accomplished by means of riches, and I tell you I'm going to be rich. I have no immediate plan. I only see the goal. Plans must be formed along the way.

[23:09] One decent editorial counts for 1000 advertisements. —  Against The Odds: An Autobiography by James Dyson and reading A History of Great Inventions by James Dyson. (Founders #200)

[27:32] Jay would always remain acutely aware of the brevity of one's time on earth.

[33:02] Great question to ask: Who would I rather be? Jay breaks down the tanner industry and who is in the best position:

I’ve come to realize that it is the merchants who command the true power in this industry. The tanner appears to take the greatest share of capital, but merely processes that capital, his expenses being extensive, his risk real, and his labor heavy. The shippers deal with the next largest sums, but again have extensive expenses and much work to do. The brokers, meanwhile, take what seems the smallest share but is in fact the largest. Theirs is nearly pure profit made on the backs of the shippers and the tanner, never their hands dirtied.

[38:39] He was aggressive and expansionist by temperament.

[46:10] There are magician’s skills to be learned on Wall Street and I mean to learn them.

[46:51] He fixated on the business and his own future and he appears to have cared little about the wider world.

[47:10] He seemed to have approached all things with a machine like intensity that some found hard to take.

[48:40] As I learned time and again, success in business often rests on a minute reading of the regulations that  impact your business. — Becoming Trader Joe: How I Did Business My Way and Still Beat the Big Guys by Joe Coulombe. (Founders #188)

[50:46] Action was his hobby.

[50:48] He was relentless in his efforts to bring about the accomplishment of those things which he set about to do.

[57:16] What finding your life’s work sounds like:

We are at a moment where there is a particular, inevitable future waiting to be made.

I see things very, very clearly. I feel inspired with an artist's conception. My road is laid out before me in the plainest of ways.

He felt as if “all the wheels” had finally been installed on his life.

Not only did he have professional focus, "but also the meaning that is family: a wife and child to fight wars and build castles for.

Now that I am at this place, it is a puzzlement to me how I endured before. Everything prior seems to have been boxing in the dark, scraping without reason.

Now I have my road to walk and my reason for walking it. Now the pieces fit, and this thing ambition is no longer blind but divine, a true and noble and necessary path."

[58:33] Work and family would remain his two hallmarks to the end of his days.

[59:56] He only wanted to be around A Players: Jay's abilities as an entrepreneurial talent scout, selecting the natural leaders from among the naturally led, the innovators from among the drones, would loom large in the making of his fortune.

[1:04:18] No one could have guessed that these two unknowns would soon be notorious as the all time greatest tag team ever to wrestle Wall Street to its knees.

[1:05:56] Both men (Fisk and Gould) had an inexhaustible capacity for work and both were unusually intelligent. They made a formidable combination when they joined forces.

[1:07:51] The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations by Larry Tye. (Founders #256)

[1:18:14] It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. —Warren Buffett

[1:25:51] Things are not as they appear from the outside. —John D. Rockefeller

[1:29:16]  Big Brown: The Untold Story of UPS by Greg Niemann. (Founders #192)

I have listened to every episode released and look forward to every episode that comes out. The only criticism I would have is that after each podcast I usually want to buy the book because I am interested so my poor wallet suffers. ”

— Gareth

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#258: Jay Gould (Dark Genius of Wall Street)


He was raised on a farm and milked cows as a boy. He neither either drank nor smoked. He was affable to every employee from the head of the department to the humbles. He enjoyed his wealth quietly. He rarely lost his temper. Self-control was one of his most profound attributes. He was a quiet man and when he spoke, his words were both few and carefully chosen. He rarely boasted, but once speaking for himself and his fellow capitalist, he said, "We have made this country rich. We have developed the country. We have created the earning power by developing the system." When he died, the press said that he was the world's richest man. It also called him the world's most hated man. The man just described sounds like John D. Rockefeller. It is not. It's Jay Gould. Rockefeller and Gould had much in common. The two were nearly the same age.

Their careers spanned the same period. Gould died at the end of 1892 as Rockefeller was preparing to retire from business. Their fortunes that year were about the same, around a hundred million dollars. When an acquaintance asked Rockefeller who was the greatest businessman he had known, his answer came without hesitation, "Jay Gould," he said. He echoed the sentiment of Cornelius Vanderbilt, who had long ago tangled with Jay Gould and lost. Vanderbilt said Gould was the smartest man in America. Their judgements must stand Gould was perhaps the single most unsettling force ever to appear on the American industrial scene. He thought in continental terms when few contemporary saw beyond state boundaries. He shook to its heels an industry already settled in its ways and set out to realize his dream of a transcontinental railroad. Given the obstacles he faced, Gould's achievements were phenomenal. He was an advanced thinker in the field of corporate finance, and he set precedents, which were later followed by investment bankers and by state and federal governments.

Among wheelers and dealers of his day, he had no peer. He was obsessed with piling up a fortune, no holds barred. He mastered the details of running a railroad with embarrassing ease. He was a loner. Labels do not imply judgments, but if such were to be made, Gould must rank as the less honorable and less trustworthy, but the more brilliant of the two for he was indeed the smartest man in America, at least in the business world of his day. That was not an excerpt from the book that I'm going to talk to you about today. That was actually an excerpt from a book I covered a few podcasts back on episode 254, and it's John D. Rockefeller, the founding fathers of the Rockefellers, written by David Freeman Hawk. I wanted to start there because I think it demonstrates how important understanding and studying Jay Gould is if you are reading biography of Rockefeller and an entire chapter is dedicated to another person.

That made me want to read a biography of Jay Gould. The book that I'm going to talk about today is the Dark Genius of Wall Street, the Misunderstood Life of Jay Gould, King of the Robber Barons. It was written by Edward J. Renehan Jr. I actually found out about this book because the author is the one that sent it to me. So I want to jump into what would've been the introduction to the podcast for this book and it's at the funeral of Jay Gould. Actually, before I start there, let me go to the very back cover of the book cause I thought this paragraph was very interesting. It talks about the thesis of the author. It's like, well, there's a ton of biographies written about Jay Gould. Everyone basically says the same thing, that he's evil, he's unscrupulous. He was the most hated man in his day.

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