Episode 12 #12 Elon Musk & How Tesla Will Change The World

Episode 12: #12 Elon Musk & How Tesla Will Change The World


Episode 12

#12 Elon Musk & How Tesla Will Change The World

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading How Tesla Will Change The World by Tim Urban

What I learned by reading How Tesla Will Change The World by Tim Urban

Kindle version: The Elon Musk Blog Series: Wait But Why.


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#12 Elon Musk & How Tesla Will Change The World


"Christie Nicholson remembers meeting Elon Musk for the first time at a party back in 1989. I believe the second sentence out of his mouth was, 'I think a lot about electric cars.' And then he turned to me and said, 'Do you think about electric cars?'"

And just so you know, if you want to follow along, I'm in part three, The Story of Tesla. And again, that's available at"When he decided in 2003 to stop thinking about electric cars and start making them, the odds weren't in Musk's favor. There were high barriers to entry that had prevented any startup car company from succeeding in almost a century. There was the unaccounted-for cost of carbon emissions, which made starting an EV company like trying to stand out on a basketball court as a rookie when all the players except you can foul with no penalty.

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