Episode 132 #132 Edwin Land (Steve Jobs’s Hero)

Episode 132: #132 Edwin Land (Steve Jobs’s Hero)


Episode 132

#132 Edwin Land (Steve Jobs’s Hero)

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading The Instant Image: Edwin Land and the Polaroid Experience by Mark Olshaker.

What I learned from reading The Instant Image: Edwin Land and the Polaroid Experience by Mark Olshaker.


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[1:42] The word “problem” had completely departed from Edwin land's vocabulary to be replaced by the word “opportunity”.

[2:01] What was it about this man and his company that allowed such confidence and seeming lack of concern with the traditional top priorities of American business?

[2:38] There is something unique about Polaroid having to do both with the human dimension of the company, and with a unity of vision of its founder and guiding genius.

[3:36] Perhaps the single most important aspect of Land's character is his ability to regard things around him in a new and totally different way.

[4:14] Right from the beginning of his career Land had paid scant attention to what experts had to say, trusting his own instincts instead.

[4:49] Land has always believed that for any item sufficiently ingenious and intriguing, a new market could be created. Conventional wisdom has little capacity with which to evaluate a market that did not exist prior to the product that defines it. 

[5:21] He feels that creativity is an individual thing. Not generally applicable to group generation.

[5:52] Land is a man deeply caught up in the creative potential of the individual.

[6:33] An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man.

[7:43] Apple founder Steve Jobs once hailed Edwin Land, the founder of Polaroid and the father of instant photography, as "a national treasure" and once confessed to a reporter that meeting Land was "like visiting a shrine." By his own admission, Jobs modeled much of his own career after Land’s. Both Jobs and Land stand out today as unique and towering figures in the history of technology. Neither had a college degree, but both built highly successful and innovative organizations. Jobs and Land were both perfectionists with an almost fanatic attentiveness to detail, in addition to being consummate showmen and instinctive marketers. In many ways, Edwin Land was the original Steve Jobs.

[8:36] There's a rule that they don't teach you at the Harvard business school. It is, if anything is worth doing it's worth doing to excess.

[11:22] Steve Jobs: I always thought of myself as a humanities person as a kid, but I liked electronics. Then I read something that one of my heroes, Edwin Land of Polaroid, said about the importance of people who could stand at the intersection of humanities and sciences. And I decided that's what I wanted to do.

[12:51] In a world full of cooks, Edwin Land was a chef. [Link to The Cook and The Chef: Elon Musk’s Secret Sauce]

[19:34] Land was asked what he wanted to be when he was younger: I had two goals. To be the world's greatest scientist and to be the world's greatest novelist.

[21:28] Everyone acknowledged that the future of Polaroid corporation would be determined by what went on in the brain of Edwin Land.

[22:01] My motto is very personal and may not fit anyone else or any other company. It is: Don't do anything that someone else can do.

[22:54] Fortunately our company has been one which has been dedicated throughout its life to making only things which others can not make.

[25:06] Land had far more faith in his own potential, and that of the company he inspired, than did any of the experts looking in from the outside.

[27:30] Polaroid failed to build a successful company by selling to other businesses: Each [product] would have involved millions of dollars in revenue for the company, but each invention involved a certain degree of transformation of an existing industry controlled by an existing power structure. From this Land realizes he needs to control the relationship with the customer. He realizes he needs to sell directly to the end user.

[36:16] Edwin Land is inspired by, and learned from, people that came before him. One example of this is Alexander Graham Bell. Edwin Land is not worried about the marketing [of a new product] because Bell went through the same thing: Land apparently lost little sleep over the initial situation, calling to mind that the same sort of reaction had greeted the public introduction of Bell's telephone, 70 years earlier. The telephone had been a dominant symbol in Land's thinking. He began making numerous connections between his camera and the telephone.

[40:16] Over the years, I have learned that every significant invention has several characteristics. By definition it must be startling, unexpected, and must come into a world that is not prepared for it. If the world were prepared for it, it would not be much of an invention.

[40:46] It is the public's role to resist [a new invention, a new product/service].

[41:29] It took us a lifetime to understand that if we're to make a new commodity —a commodity of beauty —then we must be prepared for the extensive teaching program needed to prepare society for the magnitude of our invention.

[45:12] Only the individual— and not the large group— can see a part of the world in a totally new and different way.

[48:08] Land's view is that a company should be scientifically daring and financially conservative.

[50:30] To understand more about every aspect of light, Edwin Land read every single book on light that was available in the New York City Public Library. That reminded me of one of my favorite lectures ever: Running Down A Dream: How to Succeed and Thrive in a Career You Love

[51:59] Land on the problem with formal education: Young people for the most part —unless they are geniuses— after a very short time in college, give up any hope of being individually great.

[54:16] Among all the components and Land's intellectual arsenal, the chief one seems to be simple concentration.

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#132 Edwin Land (Steve Jobs’s Hero)


"High technological drama" was the way Edwin Land described his company situation in the spring of 1971. This phrase impressed me more than any other single thing I had read from him, perhaps because it was so characteristic of his entire outlook and approach. At the time he said it, the SX-70 camera system, one of the dreams of Land's life had already cost millions of dollars and had not yet turned back a dime. The company was establishing manufacturing capability and experiencing wrenching growing pains in the process. And the solutions to the myriad of scientific issues attending the camera's evolution were looming just out of reach. I could easily imagine other corporate leaders of international stature retreating behind such well-worn expressions as negative cash flow, unfavorable balances, and unforeseen developmental increments.

But to Edwin Land, facing what Fortune Magazine would call the biggest gamble ever made on a consumer product and miss this onslaught of seemingly insurmountable problems inside the Corporation in the form of cost overruns and the technologies which refused to be born and outside in the form of a gradually deflating consumer economy was to be regarded as the stuff of high technological drama. The next several years after 1971 would be increasingly difficult ones for Polaroid, a company whose dazzling success had little prepared it for lean times. But I was struck by the observation that the word 'problem' had completely departed from Edwin Land's vocabulary to be replaced by the word 'opportunity.' What was it about this man and his company that allowed such confidence and seeming lack of concern with the traditional top priorities of American business?

My continuing interest as I attempted to analyze it seems to stem at least partially from the elements that set Polaroid apart from virtually every other American company and also from a man who is impossible to typecast by any readily applicable standard. The Polaroid story is several different but interrelated stories, all converging in the singular personality of Edwin Land. Polaroid is far from the largest nor has it grown the fastest of its high-technology bellwethers. There is, however, something unique about Polaroid, having to do both with the human dimension of the company and with the unity of vision of its founder and guiding genius. Polaroid executives now take great pains to point out that the almost 70-year-old Land is not the company, but its development and the development of the industry it pioneered is the story of Edwin Land.

In Land, I saw a number of American types and traditions coming together. He is a New England inventor in direct spiritual lineage from Eli Whitney, Charles Goodyear and George Westinghouse. He is perhaps the last of the major technological visionaries-cum-business entrepreneurs in the larger-than-life tradition of Henry Ford and the other photographic giant, George Eastman. He is the contemporary incarnation of the American dream. Perhaps the single most important aspect of Land's character and the one to which he owes his and Polaroid's success is his ability to regard things around him in a new and totally different way. There is the Instant Camera, his most famous invention, the polarizing filter, which began his career and founded this company, and most recently, the polar vision system of instant motion pictures.

All of these are radical departures from previous thought and practice, each coming at a moment and forming into an instant image of what needed to be done to see it through to reality. Right from the beginning of his career, Land had paid scant attention to what experts had to say, trusting his own instincts instead. For example, most experts, who continually predicted that Land and Polaroid would fail in the marketplace with each new product development, were evaluating those products only in terms of the way they fit into the current market. Clearly, in most cases, the new products had little to do technologically with what was available on the current market, except that they too produced photographs and there was a market for cameras. But Land has always believed that for any item sufficiently ingenious and intriguing, a new market could be created. Conventional wisdom has little capacity with which to evaluate a market that did not exist prior to the product that defines it.

Land had already gotten his coworkers have a habit of relying on what was already there. It is not merely a concept of successful marketing but the basis of his theory of inventiveness and creativity. He feels that creativity is an individual thing, not generally applicable to group generation as he wrote in the Harvard Business Review, I think human beings and the mass are fun at square dances, exciting to be within a theater audience, and thrilling to cheer with at the California or Stanford or Harvard or Yale games. At the same time, I think whether outside science or within science, there is no such thing as group originality or group creativity. Land is a man deeply caught up in the creative potential of the individual. This is not surprising since Land owes his success to the realizing of his own creative potential, but it's not just himself, his scientific brethren, and his artistic peers that Land is talking about. He is talking about all of us.

That is an excerpt from the book that I want to talk to you about today, which is The Instant Image: Edwin Land and the Polaroid experience. And it comes from a section in the book called The Lengthened Shadow. And what that is a reference to is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson who says, "an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man." And that is a great way to think about Polaroid and the influence that Edwin Land had on his company. So this is going to be the start of a 3-part series that I'm going to do on Edwin Land. I previously covered 2 different books on Edwin Land all the way back on Founders 40. I talked to you about what I learned from reading Insisting On the Impossible and the book, Instant: The Story of Polaroid. About 2 months ago, a listener named Dustin, send me a message that he went down this rabbit hole reading every single book that he could find on Edwin Land. And he's the one that put me on to the next 3 books that I'll be talking to you about.

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