Episode 133 #133 Edwin Land (Polaroid and The Man Who Invented It)

Episode 133: #133 Edwin Land (Polaroid and The Man Who Invented It)


Episode 133

#133 Edwin Land (Polaroid and The Man Who Invented It)

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading Land’s Polaroid: A Company and The Man Who Invented It by Peter C. Wensberg.

What I learned from reading Land’s Polaroid: A Company and The Man Who Invented It by Peter C. Wensberg.


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[1:14] He was revered to an extraordinary extent by most of the people who worked for him.

[1:36] Land did not earn a college degree, yet he has received more medals and scientific honors than most living Americans.

[3:36]  Land's life seemed to be primarily a life of the mind. His great dramas were largely self created, played on the stage of Polaroid, which he constructed for himself.

[4:14] All of the people that you and I are studying on this podcast created their own world within the world.

[5:55] The end this book made me think of this quote by Steve Jobs: Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

[7:38] Peter [the author] worked with Edwin Land for 20 years. As a result this book —more than any other— has a lot of direct quotes from Land.

[7:50] “Nature doesn’t care.” By that he meant nothing in nature would help or hinder their progress to a solution except their own ingenuity. Nature offered no bar to the elegant solution over the awkward compromise if they had the imagination to seek it and the wit to discover it. Nature had no concern for the affairs of men. 

[9:42] At 37 years old he had achieved everything to which he aspired except success.

[10:55]  This product, this innovation, this creation— of one of the most important products ever made— came at a time when the company was almost out of business.

[12:42] Land said running his company felt like he was a physics professor leading his students on a grand experiment.

[12:53] I really do believe that Edwin Land is one of the most important entrepreneurs that ever existed. The way his mind works is extremely unique.

[17:08] Land on his motivations in life: I find an urge to make a significant intellectual contribution that can be tangibly embodied in a product or process.

[19:45] Edwin Land at 18: A secretive young man who was well-dressed but usually disheveled, often highly agitated, prone to long periods of intense activity, rarely volunteering any explanation of what he was trying to accomplish, eating haphazardly, his sleeves rolled up, his shock of dark hair falling in his face as he worked.

[20:31] Edwin Land on how to work: If you dream of something worth doing and then simply go to work on it and don't think anything of personalities, or emotional conflicts, or of money, or of family distractions; it is amazing how quickly you get through those 5,000 steps.

[24:52] An example of Land’s obsessiveness: They start at 8:30 and they work until 4:30. Then everything shuts down and they all go home. They don't work on Saturdays or Sundays.They keep telling me I should work for them. How could I get anything done?

[29:15]At this point we are 14 years into the story: Nothing told land that he had built a business that could survive, let alone grow.

[30:47] A Landian question took nothing for granted, accepted no common knowledge, tested the cliche, and treated conventional wisdom as an oxymoron.

[35:56] Why is Polaroid a nutty place? To start with, it’s run by a man who has more brains than anyone has a right to. He doesn’t believe anything until he’s discovered it and proved it for himself. Because of that, he never looks at things the way you and I do. He has no small talk. He has no preconceived notions. He starts from the beginning with everything. That’s why we have a camera that takes pictures and develops them right away.

[39:15] Land hated to stop working. Once begun on a course of action, he wanted to experiment until the hypothesis was proved. He worked liked a predator, stalking a solution, with perpetual patience and energy. His intuitive leaps had landed him on the neck of his prey too often for him not to believe that he could do it the next time and the time after that.

[50:50] Land ran his company longer than any of America's great business leaders, longer than Thomas Edison, longer than Henry Ford, longer than George Eastman. Giving it up had been the hardest thing he had done in his life.

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#133 Edwin Land (Polaroid and The Man Who Invented It)


"Polaroid as a company, was for 45 years, virtually synonymous with Edwin Land. He was its founder. He invented its first products and indeed many of its products and processes throughout the five decades of the company's history. His titles, during most of the period from 1937 to 1982, included Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Director of Research. Although he cultivated a legend of privacy and inaccessibility to the press, he remained, far and away, the best-known member of the company. For many years, the only one familiar to the public.

He stayed aloof from the company's advertising so long as his friends and intimates told him Polaroid's advertising was good. The moment he suspected it was verging on the mediocre, he descended from Olympus, clothed in a mantle of righteousness. Since for many years, advertising was included among my marketing responsibilities at Polaroid. My relationship with Land was alternatively very close and moderately distant. I always felt comfortable speaking my mind to him. Many of his employees did not. He was revered, to an extraordinary extent, by most of the people who worked for him. Most men of Land’s stature, particularly those of whom great success has come in the business world, earn their share of distractors.

Land's were primarily outside the company, principally in the ranks of financial analysts and reporters. Land did not earn a college degree, yet he has received more medals and scientific honors, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the National Medal of Science, than most living Americans. The full list of his honors runs to three pages. He holds 533 patents, second only to Thomas Edison's 1,093, and he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

I joined Polaroid in 1958 with little knowledge of the company, but with a sense that I was embarking on an adventure. I began in advertising and promotion. In 1980, I became Executive Vice President and was given responsibility for technical and industrial photography. In 1982, Land cut ties with his company and retired to devote full time to his laboratory and foundation. Two months later, I left Polaroid as well. The subject of this book is Polaroid and Land. The span is 1926 to 1982, the period when the company and the man were inseparable, virtually indistinguishable."

That was an excerpt from the book that I want to talk to you about today, which is Land’s Polaroid: A Company and the Man Who Invented It, and it was written by Peter Wensberg. This is now the fourth book that I've read about Edwin Land and I think it has the most unique perspective out of any other book that I've read so far because Peter worked directly with Edwin Land for over 20 years. So we get insights and perspectives that are not contained in the other book. If you want to learn more, I encourage you to listen to Founders #40, which is about the books, Insisting on the Impossible and Instant: The Story of Polaroid.

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