Episode 169 #169 David Ogilvy (The King of Madison Avenue)

Episode 169: #169 David Ogilvy (The King of Madison Avenue)


Episode 169

#169 David Ogilvy (The King of Madison Avenue)

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading The King of Madison Avenue: David Ogilvy and the Making of Modern Advertising by Kenneth Roman.

What I learned from reading The King of Madison Avenue: David Ogilvy and the Making of Modern Advertising by Kenneth Roman.


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One characteristic of geniuses, said Einstein, is they are passionately curious. Ogilvy’s great secret was an inquiring mind.In conversation, he never pontificated; he interrogated.

There were piles of books all over his house, most about successful leaders in business and government. He was interested in how they used their leadership. How they made their money. He was interested in people — people who had accomplished remarkable things.

Reading Ogilvy’s short autobiography is like having dinner with a charming raconteur.

His Scottish grandfather is portrayed as cold — hearted, formidable, and successful — and his hero.

When you write a book about advertising, you’re competing with midgets. When you write an autobiography, you’re competing with giants.

He took the occasion to remind everyone that he was not a big shot at school. I wasn’t a scholar. I detested the philistines who ruled the roost. I was an irreconcilable rebel — a misfit. In short, I was a dud. Fellow duds, take heart! There is no correlation between success at school and success in life.

If you can’t advertise yourself, what hope do you have of being able to advertise anything else?

Although he entered advertising to make money, Ogilvy had become interested — obsessively interested — in the business itself. He said he had read every book that had been written on the subject, and, as a young man, had reason to believe he would be good at it and would enjoy it. Since American advertising was years ahead of advertising anywhere else, he decided to study the trade where it was done best.

Nobody, at any level, should be allowed to have anything to do with advertising until he has read this book seven times (Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins). Every time I see a bad advertisement, I say to myself, “The man who wrote this copy has never read Claude Hopkins.”

In print, it should lead with a headline that offers a consumer benefit. Often it should rely on long text packed with facts. “The more you tell, the more you sell,” as he would later preach.

David also learned something about writing from his time in the intelligence service. Stephenson was a master of the terse note. Memos to him were returned swiftly to the sender with one of three words written at the top of the page: YES, NO, or SPEAK, meaning to come see him.

Here Ogilvy describes himself as of the day he started the agency: “He is 38 and unemployed. He dropped out of college. He has been a cook, a salesman and a diplomat. He knows nothing about marketing and has never written any copy. He professes to be interested in advertising as a career and is ready to go to work for $5,000 a year. I doubt if any American agency will hire him.

Like De Gaulle, he felt that praise should be a rare commodity lest you devalue the currency.

He had a near psychopathic hatred of laziness in all its forms. He was the least lazy person I have ever encountered. His advertising philosophy was shot through with intolerance of sloth. Lazy people accept mediocrity, which he hated.

You cannot bore people into buying. Committees can criticize advertisements, but they cannot create them. Compromise has no place in advertising. Whatever you do, go the whole hog. You can’t save souls in an empty church.

American Express built its business in part with an effective direct mail letter that started: “Quite frankly, the American Express Card is not for everyone.”

I am a lousy copywriter. But a good editor.

My crusade is in favor of advertising which sells. My war cry is: “We Sell. Or Else.” This has been my philosophy for 50 years, and I have never wavered from it, no matter what the temptations have been.

Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.


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#169 David Ogilvy (The King of Madison Avenue)


"He was 52 and famous. I was 33 and a junior account executive. Early on, he wrote a letter to one of my clients. After listing eight reasons why some ads prepared by their company's design department would not be effective, he delivered his ultimate argument: the only thing that can be said in favor of the layouts is that they are different. You could make a cow look different by removing the udder, but that cow would not produce results. So began my David file. Almost everyone who worked at the agency kept one. Almost everyone who brushed up against the man has a David story. Over my next 26 years, there were more such lessons, countless meetings with him around the world and many more memos and letters. Eventually, when I became his third successor as chairman, I no longer reported to him technically, but he was always a formidable presence. We all thought of the agency as his company.

While Ogilvy disclosed much about his life in three books and several hundred interviews, what he could not do is assess his own legacy and its relevance today. This biography, the first, aims to provide that perspective and impart a sense of his quotable brilliance. Ogilvy's insights go beyond advertising to leadership and apply to almost any professional organization. I also will try to bring alive his idiosyncratic and vivid personality. World War II had been over for only three years when 39-year-old David Ogilvy, an English immigrant with almost no experience in advertising, opened up shop in 1948. Although his offices were on Madison Avenue, the rulers of the realm at that time had no reason to take notice of him. Within a few years, Ogilvy was counted as one of them."

That was an excerpt from the book that I want to talk to you about today, which is The King of Madison Avenue: David Ogilvy and the Making of Modern Advertising by Kenneth Roman. And this is the third podcast I've done on David Ogilvy. Since I started this project a few years ago, he is by far one of my favorite people that -- I didn't know anything about him before I started Founders. And he's one of my favorite people that I've come to know. If you want to go back and listen to those podcasts, I think it's Founders #82 and Founders #89. And this is the first book on him that wasn't written by him.

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