Episode 118 #118 Forty Years With Henry Ford

Episode 118: #118 Forty Years With Henry Ford


Episode 118

#118 Forty Years With Henry Ford

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading My Forty Years With Ford by Charles Sorensen.

What I learned by reading My Forty Years With Ford by Charles Sorensen.


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Henry Ford’s greatest achievement and his greatest failure [0:01]

Henry Ford had one, single idea [4:15]

Henry Ford’s management style [5:46]

The paradox of Henry Ford [8:27]

Henry Ford’s greatest advisor [11:30]

A great story about The Dodge Brothers [16:20]

Why and how Henry Ford bought out all of the shareholders of Ford [19:15]

Henry Ford would tell you to not divert your attention [27:15]

Henry Ford would tell you to not be afraid [28:20]

Henry Ford would tell you to be firm in what you want to accomplish but flexible in how you do it [31:45]

Why Henry Ford and The Ford Motor Company are worthy of study [36:20]

The difference between a pioneer and an expert [39:45]

Henry Ford would tell you not to worry about titles [47:40]

Henry Ford would tell you to focus on individual contact over collective speeches [49:52]

Henry Ford would tell you don't let your team grow stale [50:10]

Henry Ford would tell you that you can’t foresee everything. Even things that should be obvious. [50:50]

Henry Ford would tell you to never stop learning [51:32]

A description of Detroit and the early days of one of the most important industries ever created [55:14]

The story of the Model T: Henry ford was groping and fumbling toward a low-cost car. [59:14]


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#118 Forty Years With Henry Ford


"Henry Ford's greatest achievement was changing the face of America and putting the world on wheels. His greatest failure was his treatment of his only son, Edsel, and this treatment may have hastened his son's death. Henry Ford wanted Edsel to be like him. But what he forgot or ignored was the fact that his father wanted Henry to be like him."

"William Ford, Henry's father, was a strong-minded, domineering farmer who did all he could to make his son, Henry, become a farmer. But Henry hated farm work which accounts for his later interest in farm machinery. Henry wanted to and did live his own life. And that is what he would not accept and understand in Edsel. Although Edsel was a more dutiful son than his father had been, he might have had an easier life and probably a longer one had he deferred more to the elder Ford and his ideas."

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