Episode 115 #115 Ben Franklin: An American Life

Episode 115: #115 Ben Franklin: An American Life


Episode 115

#115 Ben Franklin: An American Life

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson.

What I learned from reading Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson.


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He was, during his 84 year long life, America’s best scientist, inventor, diplomat, writer, and business strategist. [0:01]

On Founders #62 I covered Ben Franklin’s autobiography [4:10]

The family produced dissenters and nonconformists who were willing to defy authority, although not to the point of becoming zealots. They were clever craftsman and inventive blacksmiths with a love of learning. Avid readers and writers, they had deep convictions, but knew how to wear them lightly. [5:00]

The industrialist Thomas Mellon, who erected a statue of Franklin in his banks headquarters, declared that Franklin had inspired him to leave his family's farm and go into business. "I regard the reading of Franklin's Autobiography as the turning point of my life. Here was Franklin, poorer than myself, who by industry, thrift, and frugality, had become learned and wise, and elevated to wealth and fame. The maxims of poor Richard exactly suited my sentiments. I read the book again and again, and wondered if I might not do something in the same line by similar means." [13:10]

Franklin is learning how to deal with people and to change his behavior to get the outcome he desires: Being argumentative, he concluded, was a very bad habit because contradicting people produced disgusts and perhaps enemies. Later in his life he would wryly say of disputing: "Persons of good sense, I have since observed, seldom fall into it.”[17:50]

Ben Franklin understood marketing [22:10]

Ben Franklin would tell you to keep reading and learning so you are more interesting to talk to. This produces positive externalities. [23:50]

Franklin’s plan for his business and how to overcome an entrenched competitor [30:00]

Franklin would tell you it is foolish to avoid all criticism [33:28]

The Ben Franklin method for making difficult decisions [34:15]

As Franklin is building his business he is focused on self improvement: A list of 12 virtues he thought desirable [35:56]

Most of Poor Richard's saying were not totally original as Franklin freely admitted. "They contained the wisdom of many ages and nations. Not a tenth part of the wisdom was my own." / Picasso had a saying good artists copy; great artists steal. we have always been shameless about stealing great ideas --Steve Jobs [38:25]

Franklin telling you how to turn adversaries into allies. [41:38]

Halfway through his life, Franklin realizes he has enough: "Lost time is never found again." [43:25]

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#115 Ben Franklin: An American Life


"Benjamin Franklin is the founding father who winks at us. George Washington was the austere general. Jefferson and Adams were intimidating. But Ben Franklin, that ambitious urban entrepreneur, seems made of flesh rather than a marble. He speaks to us through his letters and autobiography, not with rhetoric, but with a chattiness and clever irony that is very contemporary. We see his reflection in our own time. He was, during his 84 years, America's best scientist, inventor, diplomat, writer and business strategist. He proved by flying a kite that lightning was electricity, and he invented a rod to tame it. He devised bifocal glasses and clean burning stoves, charts of the Gulf stream, and theories about the contagious nature of the common cold.

He launched various civic improvement schemes, such as a lending library, college, volunteer fire corps, insurance association and a matching grant fundraiser. He helped invent America's unique style of homespun humor and philosophical pragmatism. And in politics, he proposed seminal plans for uniting the colonies and creating a federal model for a national government. But the most interesting thing that Franklin invented and continually reinvented was himself. America's first great publicist, he was in his life and in his writings, consciously trying to create a new American archetype. In the process, he carefully crafted his own persona, portrayed it in public, and polished it for posterity. Partly, it was a matter of image. As a young printer in Philadelphia, he carted rolls of paper through the streets to give the appearance of being industrious.

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