Episode 344 #344 Quentin Tarantino

Episode 344: #344 Quentin Tarantino


Episode 344

#344 Quentin Tarantino

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading Cinema Speculation by Quentin Tarantino.

What I learned from reading Cinema Speculation by Quentin Tarantino.


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(9:00) Tarantino is possibly the most joyously infectious movie lover alive.

(14:00) On the ride home, even if I didn't have questions, my parents would talk about the movie we had just seen. These are some of my fondest memories.

(14:00) He has a comprehensive database of the history of movies in his head.

(17:00) The Futurist: The Life and Films of James Cameron by Rebecca Keegan and The Return of James Cameron, Box Office King by Zach Baron (Founders #311)

(25:00) Robert Rodriguez interviews Quentin Tarantino in the Director’s Chair

(26:00) Like most men who never knew their father, Bill collected father figures. (Kill Bill 2)

(27:00) When people ask me if I went to film school, I tell them, No, I went to films.

(29:00) Invest Like the Best #348 Patrick and John Collision 

(31:00) Tarantino made his own Founders Notes [Comparinig himself and another director] Nor did he keep scrapbooks, make notes, and keep files on index cards of all the movies he saw growing up like I did.

(32:00) Napoleon and Modern War by Napoleon and Col. Lanza. (Founders #337)

(41:00) On Spielberg and greatness: Steven Spielberg's Jaws is one of the greatest movies ever made, because one of the most talented filmmakers who ever lived, when he was young, got his hands on the right material, knew what he had, and killed himself to deliver the best version of that movie he could.

(46:00) I've always approached my cinema with a fearlessness of the eventual outcome. A fearlessness that comes to me naturally.

(51:00) The Big Score: Robert Friedland and The Voisey’s Bay Hustle by Jacquie McNish (Founders #131)


Tarantino's top 8 movies have cost around $400 million to make and made about $1.9 billion in box office sales

Pulp Fiction
$8 million
$213 million

Jackie Brown
$12 million
$74 million

Kill Bill 1
$30 million
$180 million

Kill Bill 2
$30 million
$152 million

Inglorious Basterds
$70 million
$321 million

Django Unchained
$100 million
$426 million

The Hateful 8
$60 million
$156 million

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
$90 million
$377 million

(58:00) What made Kevin Thomas so unique in the world of seventies and eighties film criticism, he seemed like one of the only few practitioners who truly enjoyed their job, and consequently, their life. I loved reading him growing up and practically considered him a friend.


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#344 Quentin Tarantino


"So who exactly was this Floyd character I was referring to earlier. His name was Floyd Ray Wilson, and he was about 37. And for 1.5 years in the late 1970s, he lived in my house. He used to date my mom's best friend, Jackie. And years earlier, he would visit the apartment that my mom and I shared with her two roommates, Jackie and Lillian. And every time he came by, it was exciting because I thought Floyd was really cool, and I could talk movies with him. And since he was a hip guy who saw a lot of shit, he could keep up."

"I remember when Jackie introduced us, I was 10 years old, and she said, Quentin, Floyd is who you should talk to about movies. He knows as much as you do. So I, a 10-year-old, started testing this grown ass man on his knowledge of movies. Finally, I was able to talk to somebody about movies who knew what the fuck I was talking about. Also during this time, I realized the hard way that Floyd was a flaky guy who couldn't be counted on."

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