My guest today is Jeff Ptak. Jeff is the head of global manager research at Morningstar. This puts him in a unique position to discuss the state of active management because he gets to see mutual funds from both the bottom-up, through deep diligence on investment strategies and firms, and top-down using Morningstar's data to assess industry-wide trends. Jeff is one of my favorite myth-busters, so be sure to check out a few of the articles he's written linked in the show notes, which can be found at, which is P-T-A-K. When we spent most of our time discussing different variables for assessing active managers and mutual funds, we also covered his favorite punk rock bands. Please enjoy our conversation.
Trends in Mutual Funds and ETFs
Okay, Jeff, thank you very, very much for doing this with me today. I've always been envious of people in seats like yours, where you have this interesting top-down and bottom-up view of the asset management business, mutual funds, ETFs. And so, maybe where we could start that would be interesting would be to hear, what trends in broadly speaking in the mutual fund and ETF space have your attention and interest today?