My guest this week is Shane Parrish. Many out there will be familiar with Shane and if you are not, you should be. More than 100,000 people, myself included, spend their Sunday morning reading what Shane and his team have written that week, to learn more about themselves and the world. I tell Shane at the start of our conversation that we need to avoid just talking about books, and then we proceed to talk about books right away. I guess it was inevitable. Luckily, we cover a lot of other ground as well. Fans of Shane's multi-faceted take on the world will enjoy our discussion of business, mental models, and unavoidably reading. You can find show notes at Now, please enjoy my conversation with Farnam Street's Shane Parrish.
Shane's Path
All right, well Shane, thank you so much for taking the time to do this with me today. We'll talk about a lot of different interesting areas, and we'll try to actually steer clear of books. I think that you and me could tend to go down the book rabbit hole, so maybe we'll try to leave that for the very end. Instead, start by talking about some of the things that you think have led to your success, just in general. But also maybe particular elements that people could emulate or replicate in their own lives. One fun way of thinking about this is to ask what things feel pretty easy or natural to you, but might look like very hard work to those on the outside looking in?