Invest Like The Best
Episode 44 Ten Lessons After Almost a Year of Podcasting
Invest Like The Best

Episode 44: Ten Lessons After Almost a Year of Podcasting

Ten Lessons After Almost a Year of Podcasting

This episode marks the first anniversary of the podcast. Patrick covers his rule that started the whole podcast, the ten lessons he's learned over the past year, and a fun story about his recent dinner with Warren Buffett.

[00:00:47] - Introduction

[00:01:33] - Lesson #1: Conversations are the best way to learn

[00:03:29] - Lesson #2: Preparation and careful listening are everything

[00:05:05] - Lesson #3: Finding the next guest is all about the quality of the other guests and your questions

[00:07:00] - Lesson #4: Give the audience credit

[00:08:14] - Lesson #5: Avoid colonized topics

[00:08:58] - Lesson #6: Consider the user experience

[00:10:15] - Lesson #7: Find great partners

[00:11:10] - Lesson #8: A generalist mindset can be a huge advantage

[00:12:15] - Lesson #9: Amplify what works

[00:13:28] - Lesson #10: Don't expect anything in return

Ten Lessons After Almost a Year of Podcasting


A future guest just told me, every band has a song about being in a band. So today I will give you my version. I won't do this often, and I only do it this week in case listenership drops due to the holiday. I didn't want any guest to have a smaller than normal audience. I've now been doing this for almost one year and have learned a tremendous amount. Since the whole idea behind the show is to learn in public, I'm going to share a few of the lessons I've learned with you today. I'll shape it as a top 10 list, which ends with a fun story about my recent dinner with Warren Buffett. You'll notice that many of these are just good business and life lessons applied to something specific. In this case, a podcast. I hope you can pull the essence of one or more of these things and change how you do things, especially if you create any sort of content as part of your job. Onto the list.

Lesson 1: Learn Through Conversation

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