Invest Like The Best
Episode 124 Pseudonymous Social Capital and Bottomless Coffee
Invest Like The Best

Episode 124: Pseudonymous Social Capital and Bottomless Coffee

Invest Like The Best

Episode 124

Pseudonymous Social Capital and Bottomless Coffee

Michael is the co-founder of Bottomless, a smart subscription service. We cover the impact of improving your information diet, how to use social media effectively, and how to change the world by making important things legible to computers.

[00:02:06] – (First Question) – Why he writes under a pseudonym online

[00:02:58] – Positive impacts of writing this way

[00:03:45] – His background

[00:05:02] – Habits he improved upon

[00:07:03] – Where did his exploration into technology and start-ups come from

[00:10:32] – Elements of business that interest him most

[00:13:26] – Building social capital vs the current state of education

[00:17:06] – What information does he like to consume

[00:21:01] – Why the current education system is busted

[00:22:54] – Formation of his business

[00:24:04] – Importance of making things legible

[00:25:54] – On demand delivery vs subscription business models

[00:30:16] – Early days in developing scales for his business

[00:33:50] – What he learned about coffee roasters

[00:35:29] – Thoughts on supplier power

[00:36:17] – The customer relationship

[00:39:50] – Best objections to his business

[00:41:58] – Biggest operational/emotional challenges

[00:42:56] – Best moment while building Bottomless

[00:44:39] – Time at Y Combinator

[00:46:28] – His unique co-founder story

[00:49:47] – Marketing strategies and acquisition costs

[00:51:37] – The idea of a commercial loop

[00:53:27] – Discarded ideas, such as spaced repetition social networks

[00:57:38] – Having a long-term plan vs reformatting a business into success

[01:00:35] – What works on Twitter based on his experience

[01:03:09] – Most controversial opinion

[01:05:59] – Kindest thing anyone has done

Pseudonymous Social Capital and Bottomless Coffee


My guest this week is unique, and so requires a short story. I met our guest, Michael Mayer, because of Twitter. I followed and enjoyed one of several pseudonymous accounts that he maintains to experiment with ideas. His various accounts have wide followings. I think many of the best accounts on Twitter are anonymous or pseudonymous. And I've always made a point to get to know the ones that I like best.

As it turns out, Michael was also an entrepreneur. He'd been building a new company and was raising a small amount of outside capital. I didn't personally invest, in part, because he raised it so quickly after I spoke with him. Ever since I've gotten to know him better, I've followed his company Bottomless with interest. You know that I'm always hyper-transparent about any potential conflicts of interest so it's worth noting that while I'm not an investor in his company, I expect to be at some point in the future.

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