My guests today are Bill Gurley and Michael Mauboussin. Bill is a general partner at Benchmark Capital, and Michael is the Head of Consilient Research for Counterpoint Global. While they are long-time friends with one another, I'd never heard them appear somewhere together, so it was a real treat to be able to do this with the two of them.
They are two of the leading minds in their fields, and we combine their decades of experience into one wide-ranging conversation. We discussed the different kinds of increasing returns to scale, the issue of regulatory capture, AI and hardware, plus a lot more. Please enjoy this great conversation with Bill Gurley and Michael Mauboussin.
An Investing Perspective on AI
Well, guys, today's conversation is going to be an excuse to do something that I personally wanted to hear for a long time, which is just the two of you and your long-standing friendship and mutual interest in markets, business, investing. Just to hear you talk together. I don't think I've ever heard you, at least on the record, discuss a bunch of interesting ideas. And I'm going to view my role as queuing some things up and then letting you guys go.