My guests this week are Jeremy Levine, Kent Bennett, and Brian Feinstein. They are partners at one of the oldest and most storied venture firms in the world, Bessemer Venture Partners. Our conversation is split into two parts. First, we explore Bessemer itself. It's over 100 years old and has a unique operating model with lessons for every investment firm in the market. We then discussed Jeremy, Kent and Brian's investing styles and outlook. What they look for in businesses, their thoughts on various sectors like vertical market software, and we closed with a discussion about AI and defensibility. Please enjoy this great conversation. The first voice you'll hear is Jeremy, then Kent, then Brian.
Bessemer's Origin Story
Kent, Jeremy, and Brian, thank you so much for doing this together with me. I don't think I've ever done three people from the same firm at the same time. So this is kind of a fun experiment. And when we talked last time, we figured we'll give this a whirl and see how it goes. And I think in this case, it's going to be really fun because Bessemer is such a storied firm. It has such a long history. It also seems to be among the firms, the one that is most willing to evolve with the times change, its investing style change, its stripes change, how it thinks about presenting itself to the world really easily through time.