Invest Like The Best
Episode 271 Pro-Entropic Investing
Invest Like The Best

Episode 271: Pro-Entropic Investing

Invest Like The Best

Episode 271

Pro-Entropic Investing

Antonio Gracias is the founder, CIO, and CEO of Valor Equity Partners. We cover his concept of pro-entropic investing, what he learned as a 25-year-old running a manufacturing business, and his methods for eliminating biases when making investments.

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[00:02:51] - [First question] - Defining what a pro-entropic company is

[00:07:26] - Understanding external forces of chaos and why they’ll continue to increase

[00:11:32] - What he’s learned about identifying and investing in pro-entropic companies

[00:13:43] - Investing with entropy in mind can be a bet on unchanging aspects of human nature

[00:15:08] - Defining durability in contrast with resiliency and entropy

[00:17:27] - Timing and valuation matters less and less as you ascend the entropic scale

[00:18:53] - Coming from a traditional background and the origin of Valor

[00:22:05] - The theory of constraints and why it’s so powerful

[00:26:32] - Transitioning into a private equity structure and Valor’s 2001-2005 era

[00:30:42] - Asymmetric information and developing a stage deployment of capital strategy

[00:32:51] - The importance of understanding people and psychological ideas for investing he finds useful

[00:36:59] - Understanding the psychology of founders that have successful outcomes

[00:39:07] - Vision setting, narrative building, and qualities of effective and dangerous leaders

[00:42:02] - Decision making bias and combating bias effectively in practice

[00:44:30] - Where security and control figures into his thinking

[00:45:45] - Identity in relation to ego; the tools he uses to combat identity related decisions

[00:49:04] - Lessons learned from the Japanese language versus Western languages

[00:50:37] - What he’s gotten better at when it comes to getting to the heart of what’s actually going on in a company and accepting reality

[00:53:07] - Questions he returns to when he’s getting to know a company

[00:56:16] - An episode of operational deployment that most stands out in memory

[00:58:54] - Key concepts that most stick with him from working alongside Elon Musk

[01:01:32] - Why there aren’t more Musk’s or Bezos’ in the world

[01:04:20] - Ensuring Valor invests in the best companies going forward

[01:06:06] - How to pass the torch of what Valor is to others when his time is done

[01:08:25] - The kindest thing anyone has ever done for him

Pro-Entropic Investing


Today's guest is Antonio Gracias, founder, CIO, and CEO of Valor Equity Partners. Antonio is perhaps best known for his role at Tesla as the earliest institutional investor and director from 2007 to 2021. But he has a deep operating and investing experience, having first acquired and managed a number of manufacturing and technology companies during his twenties. It was during these formative years that Antonio and his team developed the skills that led to Valor, which provides operational expertise to high growth, private companies they invest in. Our conversation is a deep exploration of the drivers behind Antonio's and Valor's success. We dive into his concept of pro-entropic investing, what he learned as a 25-year-old running a manufacturing business. And trust me when I say you do not want to miss his answer to the kindest thing ever. Please enjoy my conversation with Antonio Gracias.

Pro-Entropic Investing

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