Business Breakdowns
Episode 185 Going Activist in Japan
Business Breakdowns

Episode 185: Going Activist in Japan

Business Breakdowns

Episode 185

Going Activist in Japan

Nick Bartolo is the founder of Essential Partners and Masumi Nishida is a partner at Dalton Investments. We cover the selection process for attractive activist opportunities, how the approach to corporate governance and dividend policy differs between Japan and the US, and why we're only in the second innings of a larger trend.

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Show Notes

(00:00:00) Welcome to Business Breakdowns

(00:00:40) Understanding Japan's Market Valuation

(00:02:08) Cultural Dynamics and Cash Reserves

(00:03:47) Financial Literacy and Balance Sheet Optimization

(00:08:27) Corporate Governance and TSE Reform

(00:13:12) Challenges of Cross Shareholdings

(00:18:24) Opportunities in Small to Mid Cap Companies

(00:21:31) Activism Strategies and Proposals

(00:26:51) Bellpost's Strategic Moves and Initial Proposals

(00:27:24) Challenges with Shareholder Support in Japan

(00:29:11) Management Buyouts and Capital Allocation

(00:30:33) Case Study: Ihara Science's Path to Privatization

(00:31:43) Financing Dynamics in Japanese MBOs

(00:34:48) Case Study: Mitsuboshi Belting's Shareholder Proposals

(00:40:35) Case Study: Ihara Science's MBO Success

(00:45:55) Current Market Dynamics and Future Outlook

Going Activist in Japan


Welcome back to Business Breakdowns. This is Matt Reustle. Today we are covering what might be the most interesting investment strategy that I've come across in a long time, and that is activism in Japan. My conversation in this episode is with Masumi Nishida, partner at Dalton Investments. But as part of this intro, I brought on a special guest and the catalyst for this episode, and that is Nick Bartolo.

Nick is founder of Essential Partners. He was previously at International Value Advisors and TCW Group.

Finding Hidden Gems in a Sea of Value Traps

So, Nick, welcome. You've spent a good deal of time in the markets. When did you first come across this opportunity that you so graciously served up to me?

I'll even take it back a bit further or give a little more context in that Matt and I first talked about this opportunity at the first Founders event in Austin. I think that was back in March. And the reason I brought it up is because it is such an odd, yet compelling opportunity.

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