Invest Like The Best
Episode 179 Public and Private Investing
Invest Like The Best

Episode 179: Public and Private Investing

Invest Like The Best

Episode 179

Public and Private Investing

Brad Gerstner is the founder and CIO of Altimeter Capital, a multi-billion dollar technology-focused investment firm. We discuss the evolution of investment opportunities in internet-enabled businesses, the rise of Chinese internet giants, and the concept of Essentialism.

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[00:02:32] – (First question) – Overall investment philosophy at Altimeter

[00:05:12] – Most interesting thing in the landscape today

[00:11:16] – Disrupting the tech giants moving forward

[00:13:56] – The investing opportunity in the backend of the internet

[00:16:42] – His take on old-line businesses and how technology could shift his view on them

[00:18:56] – Lessons from company founders whose platforms rely on consumer discovery

[00:21:32] – Running his business on essentialism

[00:21:40] – Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

[00:26:11] – Tactical applications of essentialism

[00:29:46] – Applying essentialism outside of business

[00:31:16] – What travel has taught him about business

[00:33:43] – What we should know about the Chinese internet market

[00:37:11] – The emergence of bite-sized transactions across the web

[00:39:22] – Bite-sized work

[00:42:43] – How early on can you figure out what company would win a vertical

[00:45:36] – What problem space would he tackle today

[00:48:49] – Collaborating in the private markets

[00:57:27] – Pricing businesses as a key component of his investment choices

[01:02:47] – Fascination with life sciences and software

[01:04:12] – What about the future excites him

[01:06:48] – Kindest thing anyone has done for Brad

Public and Private Investing


My guest today is Brad Gerstner, the founder, and CIO of Altimeter Capital, a multi-billion dollar technology-focused investment firm. Brad and his team are known for a deep expertise in internet-enabled businesses including Expedia, Facebook, Uber, and many more. We discuss the evolution of opportunity in this style of investing including the important shift to private investing, where so much of the value creation now happens. I won't soon forget our discussion of consumer intent on the internet and how it shifted, the role that essentialism plays in Brad's business and life and the rise of the Chinese internet giants like ByteDance. Please enjoy this great conversation with Brad Gerstner.

The Altimeter Investment Philosophy

So, Brad, this has got to have been one of the most interesting investing periods of your career. I'd love to begin by giving the audience some perspective on your overall investment philosophy. We're going to talk about lots of private and public investing, some of the businesses you founded, life in general, but I'd love to begin with just an overarching investment philosophy that you hold out for Altimeter.

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