This is Matt Reustle, and this is the second episode of our multi-part series on the video game console market. If you've yet to listen to Episode One, Sia Kamalie, who is a founder and fund manager at Skycatcher, joined me to break down the video game console market and his thesis for why it's an inflecting opportunity.
In this episode, we go micro and Sia is back to break down Sony. Now, given this episode is part of the series, I'd say it's not your traditional So Sia and I spend a lot of time talking about the catalysts there and just some of the dynamics that are happening under the hood of this massive conglomerate. Now please enjoy this episode on Sony.
Awakening a Global Giant
All right, Sia, we're going to get into the meat and bones of Sony here. It's a tech conglomerate. We're going to take the video game angle, I think, a lot through this conversation, but Sony is so much more than that, has this major history to it. Let's just start out with a framing of Sony, a sketch of the business in the best way that you would describe it today.