Invest Like The Best
Episode 147 The Future of Audio
Invest Like The Best

Episode 147: The Future of Audio

Invest Like The Best

Episode 147

The Future of Audio

Daniel Ek is the founder and CEO of Spotify. We cover trends in audio, some of his frameworks for viewing the world, and his commitment to growth for both himself and Spotify.

[00:01:21] – (first question)] – Management lessons from a Dubai chocolate maker

[00:04:54] – Trends shaping the business landscape today: globalization, automation, and digitation

[00:07:51] – How he thinks about the vertical integration of his business and scale

[00:10:37] – Are companies doing a good job adjusting to the changes in the global business landscape

[00:14:44] – How does Spotify view scale moving forward

[00:17:59] – What trends has he seen among creators as a result of the Spotify platform

[00:20:32] – The community benefit that has been created by the platform

[00:23:47] – Intimacy of audio

[00:25:31] – Creating an environment that continues to spur innovation

[00:29:12] – Star vs constellation business strategy

[00:32:21] – Measuring network health

[00:35:12] – Spotify Originals and what his competition in the video market is doing

[00:39:36] – How podcasts play into the growth strategy

[00:43:04] – How did he solve the problem of competing with free

[00:47:21] – Is their strategy repeatable, going after fractured suppliers

[00:49:02] – Role of the CEO in a startup

[00:51:22] – Others who have taught him great business lessons

[00:53:18] – Kindest thing anyone has done for Daniel

The Future of Audio


My guest this week is Daniel Ek, the founder, and CEO of Spotify. In my conversations with Daniel, I found him to be one of the most interesting and thoughtful business leaders in the world. You'll see what I mean as you listen to our conversation. We talk about Spotify plenty, but what I so enjoy about Daniel is this way of thinking in systems and frameworks. He is committed to evolution, innovation, and growth for both himself and for Spotify, and is on my shortlist of CEOs to emulate. This was one of my favorite conversations on the podcast. I hope you enjoy it.

Building for Growth

So, Daniel, so when we were walking around the Westside highway, a couple of months ago, I kept pulling my phone to take notes for topics because I knew we would be doing this one day. And one of my favorite stories that you told me was of a chocolate maker that you've met, I think in Dubai and some management lessons that came from this gentleman, I'd love you to start by sharing that story and that lesson.

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