Our guest today is Aswath Damodaran, who's joining us for a second time on Invest Like the Best. Aswath is a Professor of Finance at NYU Stern School of Business and is often referred to as The Dean of Valuation for his clarity of thought on the subject. This conversation picks up where we left off 18 months ago and covers a wide range of topics from macro risks to NVIDIA and the process of crafting a personal investment philosophy. Please enjoy this great discussion with Aswath Damodaran.
What's Going On In Today's Market
So Aswath, about one and a half years ago now, we had our first conversation, which was, I think, at the time, our most listened to ever. So let's see if we can top it here today. To do that, we have to do a whirlwind tour of the world of markets and business and investing. And I thought I'd just begin by asking you for your state of the union on the market overall. Just sort of kind of the last part of the year, the last quarter, been kind of a wild year, last 18 months. I'm just curious for your take on the general prevailing narrative as you see it of what's going on in markets today.