Business Breakdowns
Episode 45 Twitter: Towing the Clown Car out of the Goldmine
Business Breakdowns

Episode 45: Twitter: Towing the Clown Car out of the Goldmine

Business Breakdowns

Episode 45

Twitter: Towing the Clown Car out of the Goldmine

@Compound248 is an anonymous professional investor. We cover Twitter's history, why it's delivered negative returns since IPO, and why there are reasons to be optimistic about the platform going forwards.

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[00:02:40] - [First question] - The history of Twitter and where we are today

[00:10:44] - The size and scope of Twitter and what drives their business and unit economics

[00:18:54] - Reconciling differences between Twitter and competitive social media platforms

[00:24:36] - Bridging the gap between Twitter and their competitors

[00:29:38] - What about their legacy system had to be rebuilt in order to grow again

[00:34:35] - Unique shareholder dynamics, activists in the boardroom, and leadership change

[00:43:35] - Capital allocation and how investment analysts look at and measure their ROI

[00:49:00] - Efforts to innovate around new use cases and Twitter’s opportunity set

[00:55:30] - What builders and investors can learn from studying Twitter’s story

Twitter: Towing the Clown Car out of the Goldmine


I'm Zack Fuss, and today we are breaking down Twitter, a business that needs a little introduction. Founded by Jack Dorsey in 2006, Twitter has become one of the most visited and influential platforms in the world. Yet, despite its rising social status, investors and users have been left frustrated by the company's pace of innovation and shareholder returns. To help me break down Twitter's business I'm joined by an anonymous professional investor Compound248. Please enjoy this breakdown of Twitter.

The History of Twitter

Compound, our first anonymous Business Breakdowns guest, thank you for joining us today to break down Twitter. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg famously equated Twitter's success with a clown car falling into a gold mine. I would think a nice place to start would be if you could help us with the history of Twitter and bring us forward to where we are today.

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