Invest Like The Best
Episode 346 Find Your X, Nurture Your N
Invest Like The Best

Episode 346: Find Your X, Nurture Your N

Invest Like The Best

Episode 346

Find Your X, Nurture Your N

Rick Buhrman and Paul Buser are Co-Founders and Co-CEOs at Sator Grove Holdings. We cover the journey from endowment to their own investing firm, how they teach students about the magic of compounding, and the wisdom gained from studying the world's best investors.

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(00:02:00) - (First question) - Shifting from Notre Dame to Sator Grove, preserving integration and embracing change

(00:05:50) - An overview of Sator Grove

(00:11:19) - Launching in April 2021, they manage $300M for diverse, flexible investments

(00:15:17) - Investing in meaningful projects with trust, long-term focus, and high potential

(00:20:59) - Investors who they feel are dedicated to a greater purpose

(00:25:00) - Why Mitch Rales, Sator Grove's largest shareholder, embodies insatiable curiosity and lifelong learning

(00:29:39) - Learning from great investors by studying their strategies and evolution

(00:39:03) - Embracing change, adapting, and experimenting for success

(00:41:19) - How investors learn from failed companies and guard against survivorship bias

(00:51:39) - Investment success hinges on talent's judgment, character, adaptability, and trust

(00:56:23) - What they found concerning in firms and teams when assessing managers

(01:01:46) - Analyzing asset allocation challenges, including short horizons and over-diversification

(01:07:09) - Teaching compounding's power in everyday life and fostering disciplined habits for growth

(01:12:36) - The importance of nurturing compounding and learning throughout one's life

(01:20:51) - Creating meaningful connections and providing lifelong lessons

(01:26:38) - Wisdom from their mentors and its impact on their investing philosophy

(01:43:19) - Defining the good life: Quality projects, quality people, and meaningful integration

(01:44:59) - The defining moments of their investing careers so far

(01:47:29) - The kindest thing anyone has ever done for them

Find Your X, Nurture Your N


My guests this week are Rick Buhrman and Paul Buser. Rick and Paul spent over a decade managing the public equity portfolio at Notre Dame’s endowment before leaving in 2020 to set up a permanent capital vehicle called Sator Grove. As you'll hear in this conversation, they know, have studied, or have invested with most of the world's best capital allocators.

A few years ago, they also set up a class in Notre Dame for 40 of the college's brightest students called The Art of Investing. The class is devoted to exploring the joys of compounding.

And each week, they bring in a world-class investor or operator to share in detail how they built their lives, portfolios and businesses around the principles of compounding. I've been so enamored by their class that earlier this year, I asked them if they'd open up the class so that more people could benefit from it.

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