My guest today, Matthew Ball, is a long time coming. He's the former head of strategy at Amazon Studios, an investor, and probably my favorite business essayist writing today. In fact, I can't think of another author whose work I read as quickly once a new essay drops. Read his latest on the past and future of Nintendo and you'll see why. Our conversation is all about the past and future of media. We discuss movies, music, television, video games, and the meta-verse. When I re-listened to this episode, I couldn't believe how much information was in Matthew's head and how easily he covered so many topics in depth.
Matthew's Compulsive Interest
So Matthew, this conversation has been, I don't know, two years in the making. Luckily, in those two years you've written about 25 more interesting things that we might explore today, so I'm glad that we waited. I thought it'd be fun for those that aren't familiar with you to sort of sum up your compulsive interest, which I would define as how people entertain themselves. How would you describe your compulsive interest?