My guest today is Matthew Ball. Matt is an investor, the former head of strategy at Amazon Studios, and one of the brightest minds in the media industry. Through his essays and now his book which launches today, Matt has established himself as the foremost authority on the metaverse, which has stormed into the public eye since I first had him on the show two years ago. The metaverse is the focus for our discussion, and I hope you enjoy this encyclopedic tour through all of its details as much as I did.
Familiar Platforms with Metaverse Elements
Well, round two is here. We get to talk about one of the most interesting topics in the world, especially because of how much insane detail there is under the topic of the metaverse, much of it contained in your awesome new book that I just finished a couple days ago. I think a fun place to begin picking up on our last conversation is with a couple analogy questions, specifically around things that already exist that people will be familiar with, and the degree to which you think they represent something like the metaverse. I want to start here as an anchor point, rather than go deep into the infrastructure right from the beginning. So I'd love you to stack rank these four big ideas, and you tell me which you think from most to least represents metaverse elements. Those four being Minecraft, Ready Player One, Fortnite, and Facebook's Horizon.