Invest Like The Best
Episode 111 The Past, The Present & Future of Quant
Invest Like The Best

Episode 111: The Past, The Present & Future of Quant

Invest Like The Best

Episode 111

The Past, The Present & Future of Quant

Cliff Asness is the managing and founding principal at AQR Capital Management. We cover the big issues facing quant investing, Sharpe Ratios, and the downward pressure on management fees.

[00:01:47] – Favorite superhero

[00:02:43] – Why ‘Ka nama kaa lajerama’ is part of his twitter profile.

[00:03:38] – How portfolios have shifted the way they use factors in a portfolio

[00:10:15] – What are good questions clients are asking right now

[00:15:40] – Does technology impact investing strategy

[00:22:14] – When to share information vs keep it proprietary for clients sake

[00:26:40] – How their research process is governed

[00:31:14] – How they will incorporate machine learning into their process

[00:34:21] – What they will do when red flags show up

[00:37:01] – Wackiest question from a client

[00:41:47] – The Three Sharpe Ratio Strategy

[00:48:10] – Does his thinking change when it comes to asset allocation vs portfolio building

[00:57:14] – Trends in fees and pricing

[01:02:43] – Thoughts on private equity markets

[01:11:03] – Common attributes of really good researchers

[01:13:21] – What is he most curious about right now

[01:15:43] – What excites him outside of finance

[01:17:00] – How much he discusses his work with his kids

[01:19:36] – Kindest thing anyone has done for him

The Past, The Present & Future of Quant


My guest this week is Cliff Asness, the Managing and Founding Principal at AQR Capital Management. 20 years after its founding in 1998, AQR manages $226 billion across a number of quantitatively based investing strategies. Cliff was an original quant researcher and he has long been one of the financial writers and thinkers that I look to for education and inspiration. I distinctly remember reading one paper in particular, Value and Momentum Everywhere somewhat early in my career and thinking, "This is the kind of research I want to do forever." You can always tell when talking to Cliff or hearing him speak that he just loves researching the markets. There's a deep intellectual honesty in his work and a respect for thinkers at different ends of the market spectrum, from Gene Fama to Ken French to Jack Bogle to Dick Thaler and Robert Shiller.

Our conversation is about all things quant, past, present, and future. Cliff touches on many of the big issues facing quant investing today and tells some great stories along the way. I hope you enjoy our conversation. Let's dive in.

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