Invest Like The Best
Episode 341 Hedge Fund Maverick
Invest Like The Best

Episode 341: Hedge Fund Maverick

Invest Like The Best

Episode 341

Hedge Fund Maverick

Lee Ainslie is the founder of Maverick Capital. We cover how his career at Tiger helped him build Maverick, the impact of rates on hedge fund returns, and the biggest lessons he's learned about the craft of investing.

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(00:03:00) - (First question) - Lee tells us about his relationship with Steve Mandel

(00:04:29) - Why he thinks Steve gave him a hand into the role he excelled at

(00:07:22) - The concept behind investment talent

(00:13:08) - Steps he takes to hire the right individuals for his team

(00:16:14) - Why he stepped out on his own to start Maverick Capital

(00:18:77) - The hardest parts about launching the business itself

(00:20:48) - What he thinks makes for a great investment or stock purchase

(00:25:16) - How Maverick maintains its edge over other comparable firms

(00:28:31) - Features of a business that get his attention in a unique way

(00:32:03) - What he learned from Sol Price

(00:33:50) - He explains portfolio construction and risk

(00:38:21) - The difficult aspects of portfolio construction

(00:42:04) - How zero interest rates affected the long short style of investing

(00:47:22) - Positioning his team for success against other competitors 

(00:50:32) - How private market activity can affect public market activity 

(00:54:27) - Software companies and their strengths and weaknesses in the investment market

(00:59:33) - Things he tells his team to watch for

(01:04:10) - What Lee's learned about money

(01:07:02) - The most important conversation he’s had in Mavericks history 

(01:12:38) - Advice for senior executives trying to pass on responsibilities to others

(01:17:54) - What the next ten years for Maverick Capital look like 

(01:20:42) - Things Lee and Warren Buffett disagree on

(01:20:04) - Three active managers he would study 

(01:24:11) - The components of a great investment pitch

(01:25:08) - The hardest question anyone could ask him

(01:28:48) - What he thinks is important having started Maverick Ventures 

(01:31:32) - The kindest thing anyone has ever done for Lee



Hedge Fund Maverick


My guest today is Lee Ainslie, the founder of Maverick Capital. Lee started his investing career at Tiger Management where he worked for Julian Robertson. In 1993, he left to start Maverick and has built the firm into one of the top-performing hedge funds over the last 30 years. Lee doesn't speak in public often, so this is a fascinating insight into what it takes to build an enduring investment business, both psychologically and operationally.

Throughout the conversation, we flick between his lessons building Maverick, his perspective on the market, and what he's learned about the craft of investing. I hope you enjoy this great conversation with Lee Ainslie.

Tales from Tiger

So Lee, this is going to be such a blast. I think a fun place to begin is actually with your origin story because the firm is so old. It's just not often that a firm like yours is able to stand the test of time. We're going to talk a lot about investing culture and building a team.

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