A question for Sam Zell: A number of people at the company have been deeply offended by some of the statements that you've said. I wondered if you would address that here because some people have felt personally disrespected by some of your comments.
This is Zell's response:
"First of all, I would not take back anything that I've said. Turn this around and put yourself in my position. You look at a company that requires 14 signatures for somebody to go to the bathroom. You look at a company that requires ten signatures for somebody in York, Pennsylvania, to buy a $10,000 Jeep. You listen to people in the newsroom that literally talk about their total disregard for the company, that it's all about, 'How do I win a Pulitzer Prize?' and 'I don't really give a shit about anything else.' You hear attitudes that, 'We don't do it this way,' 'No, we can't do that,' over and over and over again.