This is Eric Golden. And my guests today are Adam Zarazinski and Cameron Smith of Inca Digital. Inca is a crypto data and analytics company that serves a wide range of clients from DARPA to banks, to crypto exchanges, which makes Adam and Cameron well versed on a wide variety of topics.
We start with a shadowy world of North Korean hacking and crypto. We then talk about how Inca built their business model on top of open-source data, the government's view on crypto, BlackRock's Bitcoin ETFs and much more. Please enjoy my conversation with Adam Cameron.
North Korean Hacking
Adam, Cameron, thank you for joining me today. I think a fun place to start would be North Korean hacking because that's always on people's minds. It always makes front-page headlines in crypto, and it feels like the North Korean group, Lazarus, is always involved somehow or have a connection to the higher profile hacks. So maybe an interesting place to start would be what is Lazarus, how are the North Korean so involved in crypto, what is this group doing?