Evan decided to study product design to learn how to look at the things he used in his daily life and see how he can make them better and cooler. David Kelley, the Head of Stanford's famed design school, took Evan on as his advisee. One thing was clear as he frequently put it. I'm not going to work for someone else, and this gave him freedom from the heavy grind of Stanford. Nobody would ever see his résumé or grades, so he took classes for what he actually wanted to learn.
So that's from one of the first chapters of the book that I want to talk to you a little bit about today. And it's called How to Turn Down a Billion Dollars: The Snapchat Story by Billy Gallagher. So this book might be a little different than the ones I've done in the past. I guess the podcast will be a little different, I should say. This -- I'm going to go in chronological order. But there's just a lot of -- when I went back and started preparing for this podcast, what I realized is that a lot of my highlights, a lot of my notes, they're very short. They're like just one paragraph I wanted to pull out and bring to your attention, stuff like that.