Invest Like The Best
Episode 6 Vanguard’s Gerry O’Reilly and Jim Rowley
Invest Like The Best

Episode 6: Vanguard’s Gerry O’Reilly and Jim Rowley

Vanguard’s Gerry O’Reilly and Jim Rowley

Gerry O'Reilly is the portfolio manager and Jim Rowley is a senior investment analyst at Vanguard. We cover the particulars that make Vanguard and its funds tick, how buybacks play into re-balancing, and factor investing.

[00:01:40] – (First Question) – Patrick starts by talking about his recent interest in running and questions Gerry about his running escapades starting back in high school and how that led him to a job at Vanguard

[00:15:43] – Jim discusses how he arrived at Vanguard

[00:27:02] – A look at the key cultural components at Vanguard that has led to longevity among the employees

[00:10:44] – The conversation shifts to investing, with a look at what is the equilibrium between active and passive investing, and how Vanguard has handled the transition recently

[00:16:30] – Patrick asks them about using CRSP’s and why they use a third-party to benchmark themselves

[00:18:15] – What impact has proxy voting had on the active manager and how does Vanguard handle the active investors that will hold large portions of several companies

[00:20:18] – Patrick asks what skill sets would be important for new hires at Vanguard

[00:22:35] – A deep dive into risk and market structure, what dimensions of risk do they think about in their trades

[00:23:39] – What are some aspects of market structure that are subpar

[00:25:10] – The conversation shifts from passive investing to active and what strategies are being employed in making those trades

[00:27:29] – A look at the market efficiency debate and how Jim and Gerry view it

[00:30:12] – Patrick explores their feelings on high-frequency trading and whether these players are just taking advantage of market players

[00:31:56] – What do their quarterly re-balancing policy stand and what impact does that have on their daily trading activity

[00:34:14] – How do buybacks play into re-balancing

[00:36:52] – Gerry is questioned about the rise in factor investing

[00:39:45] – A look at how they invest, on a macro level

[00:40:32] – A look at the perfect portfolio balance and how it used to reflect what the total market asset classification looked at

[00:42:58] – Is the tax advantage of ETF’s significant enough for prospective investors?

[00:44:28] – In a scenario when there are net outflows of the market, Patrick wonders what strategy would be considered to produce the best tax efficiency

[00:46:03] – What are their favorite components of their jobs at Vanguard?

[00:47:51] – A look at their most memorable days at Vanguard

[00:51:16] – What was the kindest thing that anyone has ever done for Gerry and Jim in their careers?

[00:53:55] – What are the books that have shaped the way they thought, with extra points for books that might be less known

[00:56:28] – What are the areas that each of the guests is most interested in improving upon?

Vanguard’s Gerry O’Reilly and Jim Rowley


My guests today are Gerry O'Reilly and Jim Rowley. Gerry oversees roughly $800 billion in assets for Vanguard, including their flagship total market fund. He does so quietly with great humility. Jim is a senior investment analyst with Vanguard with deep knowledge of both indexing and ETS. I've always been impressed with Vanguard as an institution, so it was a blast diving into some of the particulars that make the company and its funds tick. For show notes on this episode, visit Now, please enjoy my conversation with Gerry O'Reilly and Jim Rowley. Hello Jim and Gerry. Thank you very much for doing this with me today. This is going to be a really fun conversation. I think some of the interesting minutiae that we'll get into around index investing and Vanguard's active strategies as well will be great fodder for the listening audience out there. I'd love to start with something fun which is, that I have recently gotten very into running, you can see where this is going and looked up with the last name O'Shaughnessy all of the Irishman who had broken the four-minute mile. I was reading Phil Knight's new book, Shoe Dog, which I really enjoyed and saw in connection with the interview that you, Gerry had, I think the third fastest time at... certainly at Villanova, but some four-minute mile. I'd love to hear, just tell me a little bit about the first time you did it.

Okay. I had been knocking on the door of four-minute miles for my sophomore year in college. Just for whatever reason, at 4.001, four-point two-tenths of a second just never quite got there. At the end of my sophomore year, a little disappointed and then went into my junior year and figured, okay, this year it's going to happen and trained as I'd never trained before. When I got the opportunity, I actually went from, instead of running 3:59 or 3:58, I actually went from a four-minute miler to a 3:54 miler. I took almost six seconds off my personal best in one race. That was, I think just... I think the fact that I didn't have success in my sophomore year in terms of breaking, made me more determined. That's kind of was the fodder for breaking it.

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