My guest this week is Justin Mares. Justin has built three consumer health-focused brands over the past decade. Every time I speak with him, he makes me reflect on my own health and the state of our health more broadly. This conversation is no different. As Justin puts it, we're in a health crisis that could ultimately bankrupt our country.
We talk about the inputs, incentives and potential solutions related to that crisis and then move into his experiences building and investing in consumer brands. We finished with a fascinating discussion on why it’s more common to see repeat founders these days. Please enjoy my great conversation with Justin Mares.
Underlying Problems in the Healthcare System
I know we're going to talk a lot about the U.S. health system. Maybe the right thing is a framing because we all live in this system and probably haven't thought too much about it or take it for granted. And I think there's some huge underlying problems that trace back maybe 50, 60 years. Could you begin by just giving what you think is the cleanest frame of the overall problem as you see it having built multiple businesses kind of in and around this space?