Today, we are going behind the scenes with a master of his craft, Morgan Housel. Making Media is one big never-ending lesson on how to build a media business. Four months and 20 conversations in, we've talked to leaders of media businesses of all shapes and sizes, and every conversation inevitably comes back to the same thing, make great content.
What does that actually mean? And how do you do it? In the investing world that Matt and I are from, there are few, if any, who make better content than Morgan. His blog has been a personal favorite for years, and his first book, The Psychology of Money, just crossed three million sales. So we reached out to see if he would take us behind the scenes. Where does he write? When does he write? How much is art? How much is science?
To get into those details, we took a blog Morgan wrote in late 2017, called The Freakishly Strong Base and used that as a case study to explore his craft. It's one of my favorite pieces he's written and focuses on compounding in nature, business and investing.