My guest today is Nishchay Ag, Founder and CEO of Jar. In the last conversation we had on Return on India, we had Nitin Kamath, the Founder and CEO of Zerodha. In that conversation, we focused on how Tier 1 India is advancing up the maturity curve with respect to financial literacy. Today, we explored the opposite. We explore the rest of the Indian landscape. How do non-Tier 1 Indians think about investing, spending and saving, and there's nobody better than Nishchay to help us understand.
Jar was founded 2 years ago and has over 10 million users today. The product is super simple and has a unique characteristic that resonates with Mass India. When you use Jar, you invest in gold. We covered a bunch of topics on this one- Why gold, how a simple product is actually incredibly complicated to build, the psychology of India's consumer class and the fast-changing behavior patterns of India's next generation. Please enjoy my conversation with Nishchay Ag.