All right, so we decided today we're going to talk about when you lose your confidence and when it happens, why it happens, probably most importantly, what do you do about it once it happens, you know, and we'll see where that takes us. But, Shane, you're a pretty confident dude. When have you ever lost it? When has the mojo not been there?
Don't let the smooth taste fool you. Okay, look, the peak of my confidence had to be when I was wearing a Chinese basketball shoe called Peak. And I would go to China every year and do a national tour. I've been to every part of China, right?
And one trip, I had to do three things that I had no business doing. And it took a very confident person to pull it off. Okay, I don't speak a word of Mandarin. So the first thing was I hosted the Chinese version of SNL, the Saturday Night Live version of the Chinese version.