Episode 44 #44 A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft

Episode 44: #44 A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft


Episode 44

#44 A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft by Paul Allen

What I learned from reading Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft by Paul Allen


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I was 21 years old and at loose ends (0:01)

how Paul Allen works (4:09)

coming up with the idea for Microsoft (4:48)

admiring Bill Gates' bravado (7:56)

advice from his father: do something you love (12:30)

"Paul is an 'enthusiast' and when in the grip of an enthusiasm is almost totally irresponsible in other areas. How can one help such a student to see the error of his ways ? I don't know. He could even be more right than we, who knows ?" (18:30)

Going deep on subjects that interested him (20:56)

Paul's first jobs (24:14)

Paul Allen and Bill Gates first business (26:44)

New Mexico and the start of Microsoft (31:37)

We were certain that the tech establishment was wrong and we were right (34:40)

Unequal cofounders (37:29)

Starting to grow Microsoft (39:00)

Unequal cofounders part two (41:00)

Early Microsoft culture: When I talk about the early days at Microsoft, it's hard to explain to people how much fun it was.( 46:43)

Turning down a millions of dollars from Ross Perot (53:37)

Unequal cofounders part 3 (56:54)

The deal that led to Microsoft becoming the largest tech company of its day (58:00)

Health crisis and Paul Allen leaves Microsoft (1:05:30)

His most important realization (1:09:27)

How Paul makes $75 million from AOL (1:13:00)

I start from a different place , from the love of ideas and the urge to put them into motion and see where they might lead (1:18:10)

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#44 A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft


"As I walk toward Harvard Square on a December weekend afternoon in 1974, I had no inkling that my life was about to change. I was 21 years old and at loose ends. My girlfriend had left a few weeks earlier to return to her hometown of Seattle, 3,000 miles away. I had a dead-end job at Honeywell and a crummy apartment. The one constant in my life those days was a Harvard undergraduate named Bill Gates. My partner in crime since we met at Lakeside school when he was an eighth grade, and I was in 10th. Bill and I learned how to dissect computer code together. We started one failed business and worked side-by-side on professional programming jobs while still in our teens.

It was Bill who had coaxed me to move to Massachusetts with a plan to quit school and join him at a tech firm. Then he reversed field to return to college. Like me, he seemed restless and ready to try something new. Bill and I kept casting about for a commercial project. We figured that we'd eventually write some software where we knew we had some talent. We fantasized about our entrepreneurial future. One time I asked Bill, 'if everything went right, how big do you think our company could be?' He said, 'I think we could get it up to 35 programmers.' That sounded really ambitious to me."

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