Episode 91 #91 Jim Clayton (Sold to Warren Buffett)

Episode 91: #91 Jim Clayton (Sold to Warren Buffett)


Episode 91

#91 Jim Clayton (Sold to Warren Buffett)

David Senra is the host of Founders, where he studies history's greatest entrepreneurs. This is what he learned from reading First A Dream by Jim Clayton.

What I learned from reading First A Dream by Jim Clayton.


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#91 Jim Clayton (Sold to Warren Buffett)


"Jim, this is Warren Buffett. I read your book over the weekend, and I enjoyed it very much. You did a good job on it. I followed your company for several years and congratulate you on taking it to the top of the industry. Give me a call. I'd like to get your views on the industry."

So that is a voicemail -- that's an excerpt from the book that I read this week, which is First A Dream by Jim Clayton. And that's actually a voicemail Warren left Jim after somebody gifted the book I have in my hand to Warren. He read it over the weekend, like he just said. And he winds up buying -- after reading the book, he winds up buying Jim's business for $1.7 billion in cash. And so Warren told this story, while I was going through -- a few weeks ago, I released a podcast on -- I read every single shareholder letter that Warren Buffett has ever written so far. It's like 54 years.

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