Invest Like The Best
Episode 14 The Reformation
Invest Like The Best

Episode 14: The Reformation

The Reformation

Josh Brown is a financial advisor and the CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management. We cover Josh's career journey, learnings from investors he follows, and the role of the financial advisor.

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CFA Institute. CFA Institute the global association of investment professionals whose mission is to lead the investment profession by promoting the highest standards of ethics, education and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society. CFA Institute serves a global community of investment professionals working to build an investment industry where investors interests come first, financial markets function at their best and economies grow. The Chartered Financial Analyst credential is the most respected and recognized investment management designation in the world. The views expressed in this podcast do not necessarily represent the views of CFA Institute.

[00:02:02] – (First Question) – Top 5 dead or alive hip-hop rap artists per Josh Brown

[00:02:48] – Listening to right now

[00:03:30] – Why it’s tough for newer artists to crack the all-time lists

[00:05:23] – What appears most in Patrick’s playlists

[00:06:04] – What was the moment that he transitioned away from bad investment practices and what are some of the things he can’t stand to see

[00:09:05] – A look at how Josh’s portfolio has changed as his perspective on investing has transformed

[00:12:13] – What kind of investments does Josh use personally

[00:13:15] – How Josh uses individual stock investments to teach his kids about how the markets work

[00:14:31] – Has the role of the financial advisor changed? And what can advisors offer that are future-proof?

[00:17:45] – What does Josh screen for when looking for people to work with both as employees and as clients

[00:23:22] – What are some things that don’t feel like work but appear to be hard work from the outside

[00:25:07] – How do both Josh and Patrick characterize themselves and each other as a company.

[00:26:19] – Exploring Josh’s success on Twitter

[00:28:30] – Why you shouldn’t fight on twitter

[00:30:21] – What services, technologies, platforms are we in the early days of that Josh could be excited about

[00:35:38] – Most memorable individual day in Josh’s career

[00:37:32] – Who are people that Josh is learning from right now

[00:39:33] – What does Josh like most about doing the show Halftime Report on CNBC

[00:42:18] – If Josh had to give his money to someone, who would it be.

[00:45:20] – Are investors doing a disservice by glorifying some of the big name investors like David Tepper?

[00:49:37] – What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for Josh?

[00:52:24] – What are Josh’s daily habits

The Reformation


My guest this week is one of the reasons this podcast exists because he helped me find an audience several years ago. I sent him a research piece, which he kindly shared with his rapidly growing follower base. Today, he is the avatar for the next generation of investors. His story reads like a myth, trials and tribulations, reformation, transformation, and a commitment to share what he has learned. Josh Brown, and I discuss his journey and have a lot of good laughs along the way. You can find show notes for this episode at In this episode, I ask the most important question first, so please enjoy.

Top 5 Dead or Alive

Yes.Josh, thank you so much for doing this with me by far, the most common question people wanted to know is in the world of hip hop rap, top five dead or alive.

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