This is Matt Reustle. And today, we are breaking down Live Oak Bank. Our guest today is Stephen Vafier, the Founder of Storri Labs Capital Partners. And I had asked Stephen several times over the years if he'd be interested in joining me for a Breakdown. When he finally said, he had an interesting name, I'll admit, I was slightly disappointed that he came back with a bank. Then he started to share the details about Live Oak Bank.
Live Oak is a bank that received its charter right before the financial crisis. It does not have the 100-year plus histories of many of the banks that we know so well today, the JPMorgans, the Goldman Sachs and the other too big to fail banks. This is a new story. And it's a new story with very interesting DNA in terms of how they built up this bank. They targeted specific industries. They targeted the SBA loan program, and they had technology in their DNA.